1. the only question i have is how is this girl? у меня есть один только вопрос- кто эта девушка? 2. The sun is so warm today. Солнце сегодня такое теплое 3. The most beautiful woman is my mom. самая красивая женщина- это моя мама. 4. To tell the truth my breakfast was disgisting. сказать по правде завтрак был отвратителен. 5. Go to the room and put this apple on the table please. или в комнату и положи яблоко на стол. 6. Can you open the window? Ты не мог бы открыть окно? 7. Did you hear the phone? Ты слышал телефон? 8. The second boyfriend is better than my ex. Второй парень лучше моего предыдущего. 9. I have a great bag in the back у меня классный рюкзак за спиной 10. The house a live is near here. Дом, где я живу- рядом
My last holiday was the birthday of my close friend. his name is Nick. He is 15. He dreams to be a pilot. to tell the truth i like planes too. But i'm afraid a little. There a lot of crashes now. Stop. I would to speak about Nick's birthday. It was a good day. We came in the paintball club and had a great time. Nick's mom has cooked sweet pie. She is nice. And she looks wonderfull despite she is 40. Nick told that he is going to take exams in 2 years and really want his dream will come true. I support him. He is a good friend, honest person and he will be a very brave pilot.
I have never seen him before.
What are you doing?-I'm eating a tasty cake. Can I take a piece, please?