task 1.
1) many accidents are caused by dangerous driving.
2) cheese is made from milk.
3) the roof of the building is always damaged in a storm.
4) there's no need to leave a tip. service is included in the bill.
5) you were invited to the wedding. will you go?
6) a cinema is a place where films are shown.
7) in the united states, elections for president every four years.
8) originally the book is written in spanish.
9) we are always held by other cars because we drive slowly.
task 2.
write questions using the present simple passive.
1) ask about glass. (how/make? ) - how glasses are made?
2) ask about silver. (what/use for? ) – what is silver used for?
3) ask about the pronunciation of the word. (how/pronounce? ) – how is this word pronounce?
task 3.
give your own examples of sentences written in the present simple passive.
1) the big cake was baked by mum.
2) my phone has been stolen.
3) the fish was caught by dad.
4) paper is made from wood.
5) the pictures are drawn with a pencil.Vocabulary
Task 2. Complete the sentences. Use: save, transmit, download, communicate, land, compilation, contact, spacecraft, heating, solar.
1. Will inhabitants of other planets ever try to contact us?
2. The solar system includes the sun and the planets that go around it.
3. Satellites transmit signals back to Earth.
4. When did the spacecraft land on the moon?
5. Peter made a compilation of rock songs and burned it onto a CD.
6. Make sure you save any important files so that you don't lose them.
7. It was cold in the house because the heating wasn't working.
8. The Internet makes it easy for us to communicate with people from all over.
9. Yuri Gagarin travelled in a spacecraft called Vostok I.
10. Why don't you download some pictures for your project from the Net?