Hello. I want to tell you about my report about "Ecology and environmental problems"
Yes, I participated in the "voluntary Saturday" is an event where you come and clean the city streets and parks. And so today I want to tell you about how you can reduce pollution all over the world. To do this, go to limited fuel for cars, stop littering on the streets, not to use plastic bags to stop cutting down forests does not pollute rivers and streams.I try less litter. That's all I wanted to say. Thank you.
Most importantly, our task is not to harm nature, not to pollute the water, air, forest. Very often people relaxing in the forest throw concern jars, plastic or glass bottles, plastic bags. For a moment they wondered how is the forest that gave them shelter and rest. And if realized that the forest is alive, that he's hurt the same as us when the eye gets the insect. Only we can get rid of the foreign object, and the forest can not, he needs our help. There are "tourists" that even the fire is not quenched, when you go to the house. That's a crime. The wind blows, and can ignite a wildfire, and with it students already can not cope. Will have to call the fire Department, and the offenders have to answer for his act before the law.
2. Did you a) go to the park yesterday ?