05:59 Різне Personal computers are now commonplace in most homes throughout the world, and are relied on heavily by both individuals and businesses. The invention of the computer is relatively new, emerging into our lives relatively late in the 20th century . The computer has been another life-transforming invention. British mathematician Charles Babbage designed a form of computer in the mid-1830s, but it was not until more than a century later that theory was put into practice. Now, a whole generation has grown up with calculators, windows, icons, computer games and word processors!
Персональні комп'ютери стали звичайним явищем в більшості будинків по всьому світі, і в значній мірі "спираються" на обох фізичних і юридичних осіб. Винахід комп'ютера є відносно новим, що виникають в нашому житті порівняно пізно в 20-му столітті.
Комп'ютер мав інше життя - винахід перетворення. Британський математик Чарльз Беббідж розробив форму комп'ютера в середині 1830-х років, але він не був до більш ніж через сторіччя, що теорія була введена в практику. Тепер, ціле покоління виросло з калькуляторами, вікнами, іконами, комп'ютерними іграми і текстовими процесорами!
1. does each university decide? each university doesn't decide 2. have college graduates applied? college graduates haven't applied 3. did many great men study? many great men didn't study 4. does the open university use a combination of television and radiobroadcast in teaching? in teaching the open university doesn't use... have they prodused? they haven't prodused 5. does studen need will members of the union council be glad? a student doesn't need, members of the union council won't be,,, 6. is college education getting? college education isn't getting...
1. Each university doesn't deside each year how many students it supposes to 1.Each university doesn't deside each year how many students it opposes to admit. Does each university deside each year how many students it supposes to admit? 2. College graduates haven't applied to a public employment agency to get a job. Have college graduates applied to a public employment agency to get a job? 3. Many great men didn't study at Oxbridge. Did many great men study at Oxbridge? 4. In teachng the Open Unversity doesn't use a combination of television and radiobroadcast. Does the Open Unversity use in teaching a combination of television and radiobroadcast?They haven't also prodused a whole library of short course-book. Have they also prodused a whole library of short course-book? 5. Does at any time a student needs advice, members of the Union Council well be glad to be of assistance? At any time a student doesn't need advice, members of the Union Council well be glad to be of assistance. 6.Is college education getting more expensive every year?College education isn't getting more expensive every year.
Personal computers are now commonplace in most homes throughout the world, and are relied on heavily by both individuals and businesses. The invention of the computer is relatively new, emerging into our lives relatively late in the 20th century
The computer has been another life-transforming invention. British mathematician Charles Babbage designed a form of computer in the mid-1830s, but it was not until more than a century later that theory was put into practice. Now, a whole generation has grown up with calculators, windows, icons, computer games and word processors!
Персональні комп'ютери стали звичайним явищем в більшості будинків по всьому світі, і в значній мірі "спираються" на обох фізичних і юридичних осіб. Винахід комп'ютера є відносно новим, що виникають в нашому житті порівняно пізно в 20-му столітті.
Комп'ютер мав інше життя - винахід перетворення. Британський математик Чарльз Беббідж розробив форму комп'ютера в середині 1830-х років, але він не був до більш ніж через сторіччя, що теорія була введена в практику. Тепер, ціле покоління виросло з калькуляторами, вікнами, іконами, комп'ютерними іграми і текстовими процесорами!