1) Yes, I'd love to. Canada is a very interesting country, so I'd like to do some sightseeing and also to develop my English skills.
2) As for me I would like to visit as ,many cities of Canada as it is possible, but I think it's important to visit Ottawa - the capital of Canada first of all.
Of course I heard about these world famous cities. Ottawa is a capital of Canada, Toronto is one of the biggest cities in Canada, which was named after the lake Toronto. And Sydney is a city in Australia, where the Olympic games of the year 2000 took place.
3) In my opinion, Canada is a nice place to live. It is a beautiful country. It has the similar climate that we have here, in Russia. The higher education in Canada is also very good and as for me, I'd like to get my professional degree there.
2. Ранний эйзер - это тот, кто любит рано вставать рано. Поздно стоящий - это тот, кто любит поздно вставать.
3.A strech земли или воды в области земли воды обычно один, который является большим.
Материал 4.Strechy слегка эластичен. Он может легко растягиваться
5. Старосты используются для перевозки раненых или больных людей