Talk to your friend about the shapes in the pictures. — Поговорите со своим другом о фигурах на картинках.
Is the orange triangle smaller than the purple one? Yes, it is. — Оранжевый треугольник меньше, чем фиолетовый? Да.
Is the blue triangle bigger than the orange one? Yes, it is. — Синий треугольник больше, чем оранжевый? Да.
Is the blue triangle the biggest one? Yes, it is. It’s the biggest triangle. — Синий треугольник самый большой? Да. Это самый большой треугольник.
Which … is the smallest? — Который … является самым маленьким?
Which … is the biggest? — Который … является самым большим?
In many countries around the world, school uniforms are an integral part of school life. In Russia, the school uniform was canceled in 1994, but since September 1, 2013, the uniform has been returned to almost all schools. The choice of the type of school uniform depends on the school administration and parents. Basically, these are skirts and blouses for girls and a classic suit with a shirt for boys. But many schoolchildren are unhappy with this innovation, because this process has its positive and negative sides.Let's start by looking at the positive side of introducing the form. First, school uniforms smooth out social inequality. Children from less wealthy families do not feel complexes about their appearance, because everyone looks the same. Second, buying a uniform will significantly reduce your clothing costs during the school year. Thirdly, the school uniform disciplines, helps to tune in to the educational process. Fourthly, the question of the everyday choice of clothes disappears. Fifth, the introduction of school uniforms can help students make them one team.
But, on the other hand, the school uniform has its drawbacks. First, the loss of individuality. According to many children, the uniform deprives them of the opportunity for self-expression in the independent choice of clothing. Secondly, by the end of the year, the uniform may look sloppy, since the same clothes have to be worn every day throughout the school year. Thirdly, for a year the form can get bored. Fourthly, the shape may not correspond to the weather conditions. In the warm season, it can be hot in jackets, and in winter, girls will be freezing in skirts. Fifth, many types of forms, unfortunately, do not look very nice.I believe that a school uniform is needed. Form will not interfere with self-expression or deprive individuality if it is treated as a necessity. She teaches you to certain norms that you will have to face in adulthood. After all, people also go to work in a certain uniform: a doctor in a dressing gown, a policeman and a military man in uniform, an office worker in a business suit. The problem of the appearance of the form can also be solved if the work of teachers and parents is properly organized and the wishes of the students are taken into account. You can always find an option that everyone will like.