1. if i go to london i will call you up. 2. if he had money he would have gone to great britain. 3. if he had not been busy last week, he would have attended the conference.
1 - Если я поеду в Лондон, то я смогу позвонить тебе 2 - Если у него были бы деньги, он уехал бы в Великобританию 3 -Если бы он не был занят на неделе, он бы принял участие в конференции.
1. If I go to London, I will call you up. 2. If he had money, he would go to Great Britain. 3. If he had not been busy last week, he would have attended the conference. (Действие относится к 1. Если я поеду в Лондон, я позвоню тебе. 2. Если бы у него были деньги, он бы уехал в Великобританию. 3. Если бы он не был занят на неделе, он бы принял участие в конференции.
1. I did not hear the thunder during the storm last night because I was sleeping. 2. I got a package in the mail. When I opened it, I found a surprise. 3. Stanley was climbing the stairs when he tripped and fell. Luckily, he did not hurt himself . 4. When I arrived she was having lunch. She apologized for starting without me but said that she always lunched at 12.30. 5. He always was wearing a raincoat and carrying an umbrella when he walked to the office. 6. Those two men have been standing outside the house for over two hours. Do you think we should call the police? 7. You look tired. I think you have been working too hard lately and you have not got enough fresh air and exercise. 8. “Annie’s clothes are very dirty. What did she do?” – She played in the garden. 9. “Why were you so angry when I saw you yesterday?” – “Oh, I had just had a big argument with my parents.
My sister and i are twins. Both of us have the same color hair. Мы близнецы и ОБЕ имеем одинаковый цвет волос. Don't touch the wall! I have just painted it. Не трогай стену! Я только что ее покрасил - действие из результат виден в настоящем. Если проще - на момент разговора он только завершил покраску, время present perfect I am looking for a new job this summer. Он (он) уже ищет работу на это лето. Present continuous (на самом деле все зависит от значения, тут может быть несколько вариантов) It was cold yesterday so we couldn't go out. Вчера было холодно, поэтому ВЧЕРА мы не смогли выйти время (past simple) - could
2 - Если у него были бы деньги, он уехал бы в Великобританию
3 -Если бы он не был занят на неделе, он бы принял участие в конференции.