Мне нужен перевод нескольких предложений. , . я изучаю такие предметы как фармацевтическая , технология лекарств, фармакогнозия. я работаю в военной аптеке. я начальник аптеки, военнослужащая (женщина имеется ввиду).
I am studying such subjects as pharmaceutical chemistry, technology of medicine production, pharmacognosy. I'm head of a military drug dispensary, an active military servicewoman.
1. are singing - сейчас -Present Continuous 2. buy - обычно -Present Simple 3. is drinking - сейчас -Present Continuous 4. are walking - сейчас -Present Continuous 5. is laughing - сейчас -Present Continuous 6. is playing - сейчас -Present Continuous 7. wear -обычно -Present Simple 8. eats -обычно -Present Simple 9. are sleeping - сейчас -Present Continuous 10. do you go -обычно -Present Simple 11. never eat -обычно -Present Simple 12. don't like -обычно -Present Simple 13. are you doing - сейчас -Present Continuous 14. is walking - сейчас -Present Continuous
1 - Нету подчеркнутых слов( 2 A lot of money is spent on weapons nowadays. He was taken to the hospital when tha ambulance crashed. These shoes shouldn`t be bought. English have been taught for 15 years by them.
3 Several people were injured badly and one was killed when a bus crashed into a drug store yesterday. The bus driver is being held at a local police station now where e`ll be questioned soon. Witneses said that he had driven at 60 miles an hour when the accident happend. Ten people are being treated in hospetal now. The drug store is being repaured at the moment. Equipment also, was damaged quite badly.