1 Read the text and answer the following questions.
1 How old was Arthur Conan Doyle when he started studying at a Jesuit school? he was nine years old
2 Who was the inspiration for the character of Sherlock Holmes? Professor Dr. Joseph Bell
3 What was Arthur Conan Doyle's first job? he worked as a doctor aboard Mayumba, a ship travelling from Liverpool to Africa
4 How many books about Sherlock Holmes did Arthur Conan Doyle write? about sixty
5 How many daughters did Arthur Conan Doyle have? two (one with Louisa Hawkins and one with Jean Leckie)
6 What does Professor Challenger find in South America? living prehistoric animals
7 What was the last book about Sherlock Holmes? The Casebook of Sherlock Holmes
2) Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)?
1 Arthur Conan Doyle came from a poor family. F (his parents were rich)
2 Doyle's father had some problems with drinking. T
3 Doyle's mother liked books and told her son interesting stories. T
4 Doyle went to university with other famous writers. T
5 The Sign of Four was the first book about Sherlock Holmes. F (A Study in Scarlet was the first Sherlock Holmes book)
6 Doyle's second wife died of tuberculosis. F (his first wife died of tuberculosis)
7 Arthur Conan Doyle wrote some books about spiritualism. T