Глеб шел по зимнему лесу и оставлял следы на белом пушистом покрывале, которое устлала погода. Минутами ранее ему не терпелось скорее выбраться на улицу, ведь через окно видно всю красоту. Когда он дошел до старого пня, подумал, что он потерялся, потому что этот ориентир был засыпан снегом и его темная старая кора не выглядывала из-под пушистых морозных хлопьев. Побродив в раздумиях по лесу, Глеб отправился по вытаптанной им же тропинке домой, где его ждали домочадцы.
Перевод: Gleb was walking in the winter woods and left foodprints in the fluffy white blanket thad had covered the weather. Minutes earlier he was eager to get out on the street, because through the window you can see the entire beauty. When he reached the old stamp, thinking that he's lost, because the target was covered with snow and his dark old dark peeking out from under a fluffy frosted flakes. In through, Wandering through the woods, Gleb went on vytapeni them same path home, where he waited for the household.
I`d like to tell you about my summer holiday. I went to the village to my granny. It was interesting place and it was warm every day. I went to the village with my family. We got there by train. When I arrived, I met my old friends there.
There was a beautiful river near the forest. The water was very warm, so I went to the river every day. Then I helped my granny with the garden. I liked it very much. I think it was my best summer holiday.
Я хочу вам рассказать о моих летних каникулах. Я ездила в деревню к моей бабушке. Это было интересное место, и каждый день было тепло. Я ездила вдеревню со своей семьей. Мы ездили туда на поезде. Когда я приехала, я встретила своих старых друзей.
Там была красивая река около леса. Вода была очень теплой, поэтому я каждый день ходила на речку. Потом я бабушке по саду. Мне очень понравилось. Я думаю, что это мои лучшие каникулы.
Hello, I’m glad that you’ve asked me about my summer holidays because they were so much fun! I went abroad with my parents for a couple of weeks. I really enjoyed this trip! It was amazing to improve my English. I also was in a camp where i found a lot of new friends. I still talk to some of them. All in all, it was an unforgettable time! I also feel like i’ve grown a lot which makes me more confident. What about your summer holidays? Did you go abroad? Or maybe you traveled across the country? Let me know about that! Hope to hear from you soon! Bye,
Gleb was walking in the winter woods and left foodprints in the fluffy white blanket thad had covered the weather. Minutes earlier he was eager to get out on the street, because through the window you can see the entire beauty. When he reached the old stamp, thinking that he's lost, because the target was covered with snow and his dark old dark peeking out from under a fluffy frosted flakes. In through, Wandering through the woods, Gleb went on vytapeni them same path home, where he waited for the household.