Life in the ocean.Water - the ideal environment for plants and animals. It transmits light , contains oxygen , there is no sudden temperature changes on the surface , as well as many essential nutrients and compounds. The high density of water supports animal afloat , so here inhabit the largest animals on Earth .Most marine plants and animals live along the coast and in the surface waters , where more light and food. They can move with ocean currents as plankton, or swim on their own, like whales .Living in different oceans and similar and varied simultaneously. For example, in the Indian Ocean meets many of the same animals as in the Pacific , as these oceans have long been reported between soboy.Bolshaya Indian Ocean is now a sanctuary for whales. (Example )Arctic and Antarctic animals adapted to life on the ice floes and other cold winters . Large mammals , such as narwhal, polar bears and seals feed on a variety of fish species . (Example )Animals Pacific varied from sea spider crab and giant octopuses northern ocean to giant clams , clams .In the Atlantic, lives less than animal and plant species than Tihom.Teplolyubivye species such as sea turtles are found in the Caribbean. Squid fishing - the largest industries in the Falkland Islands. In the Mediterranean, there are several unique species of plants and animals, such as beautiful and precious red corals .Such a variety of living organisms , because originally it was home to the ocean of all organisms on Earth . All are adapted for life in this high pressure , as the same pressure exists in them. Besides the ocean this place is not only the most of giant animals like whales, but also the most amazing that live at the bottom of the ocean sea in complete darkness. (Example)
Millions of people love to watch TV. There are many different television programs, shows, TV shows, interesting films, commercials, news pieces, which can be viewed on TV. Normally on a Saturday night my family and I are going to have a TV to watch interesting programs. If somewhere, something is going great, journalists report on these events on television. One day I came to my friends, and we decided to watch television. By switching to the next channel, there is shown about the world of animals in the ocean. In this show about the great white shark. It was very exciting and a little scary, because the ocean was a strong storm. Then he showed a shark so close that it seemed she floats on us. We have all watched with great interest the transfer. At this time, the window blew strong winds, lightning flashed, and the lights went out. Then we decided to tell each other stories, not to be bored. Some time passed, and the light is illuminated. We have become more interesting to watch a program about the animals that live in the ocean.