1. My sister gets up at eight o'clock. 2. She is a school-girl. She
goes to school in the afternoon. 3. Jane is fond of sports. She does her
morning exercises every day. 4. For breakfast she has two eggs, a sandwich and a cup of tea. 5. After breakfast she goes to school. 6. It takes him
two hours to do his hometask. 7. She speaks French well. 8. My working
day to begins at seven o'clock. I get up, switch on the radio and do
my morning exercises. It takes me fifteen minutes. At half past seven we
have breakfast. 9. My father and I leave home at eight o'clock. He takes
a bus to his factory. 10. My mother is a doctor, she leaves home at nine
Exercise 6.1.4. Put the verbs in brackets into Past Simple.
1. There isn’t a cloud in the sky, but it was cloudy in the morning. 2. Mrs.
Clay usually finishes her work at half past three, but she finished it later yesterday afternoon. 3. Tom is playing tennis tomorrow afternoon, he didn't play tennis yesterday. 4. We generally have lunch at 12.30, but yesterday we had
lunch later. 5. Now my brother smokes a lot, but he didn't smoke before.
6. My Dad always goes to work by car, but last week he went to work on foot.
7. The weather is nice today, but it was yesterday. 8. We rarely watch television, but last week we watched a lot of interesting programs. 9. I usually come
home from the Institute at 2.00 p.m., but last week I was on duty and came
home a little later. 10. It seemed impossible for him to win, but he won.
11. It took him two hours to get to London. 12. As soon as the bus stopped, Jill got off. 13. Jack tried to remember what he had done last April. 14. Julius Caesar found the Tower of London. 15. When did you write to your parents last time?
Exercise 6.1.5. Choose a verb to fill in the blanks with Present Simple
or Past Simple.
finish, go, have, be
James usually finishes work at 4.30 p.m. Yesterday he finished work at 1.00 p.m.
He usually goes home by train. Yesterday he went home by taxi. He usually has dinner at home. Yesterday he had dinner in a restaurant with his friends. ___
goes to bed early. Yesterday he went to bed
My best friend’s name is Maria. She is not only my closest friend; she is also my oldest friend. We met when we both were five years old and we became friends immediately. Maria is very kind, helpful and good to talk to.
She is also very good-looking. She is quite short. Maria is well built and she has got an athletic figure and beautiful posture. Her shoulders are quite broad for a girl. She has got shapely arms and legs. Her neck is not very long and quite thin. Although she is naturally blonde, she is quite dark-skinned.
Maria has got fine features. Her face is oval shaped. Maria’s hair is very long and thick. It is curly. Her natural hair colour is blonde, but some time ago she dyed her hair brown. This colour suits her well and looks very natural because Maria has got thick dark eyebrows. Her forehead is quite high. She has got big sparkling hazel eyes. Her nose is small and straight, her ears are quite small and her lips are very full.
As Maria is very sporty, she often wears sports clothes and jeans. But she looks good in dresses as well. She doesn’t like high heels at all, that is why she usually wears gumshoes, trainers or flat shoes. She doesn’t usually wear jewellery, but she likes wearing various beautiful earrings.
Если понадобиться замени имя и лицо
но что wourt быть там ? Дикая природа наполняет диких животных гигантскими волосатыми слонами и медведями . люди живут с большими группами родственников. Это были кочевники , люди, у которых в группах родственников нет постоянного дома, переезжают с места на место в поисках пищи.
инструменты были сделаны из камней . ветви или кости животного . обычно они ewre слишком тяжелый для того чтобы снести . так родители taug их детей как сделать новые инструменты в новом месте . изготовление инструментов является примером теехнологии. это развитие полезных вещей облегчает нашу жизнь . Например, компьютеры и сотовые телефоны являются частью современной технологии.
Самая важная технология возраста stjne была о том , чтобы огонь имел много пользы , чтобы согреть людей, готовить мясо и пугать опасных животных своего рода лампу каменную основу, наполненную животным жиром или смазать барельеф свечу . Латернский бросок людям совершенствовать свои технологии . Флинт-это очень тяжелый рок, который производит блеск, когда мы теряем его против другого камня .