Косвенная речь в английском языке — речь, в которой идет перефразирование вопроса от первого лица в третье.
Рассмотрим пример:
"I will go for a walk tomorrow" — said Misha.
Misha said, that he would go for a walk next day.
Как видно, меняется время, действительное лицо и предлог, указывающий время.
)The road is not (wide enough/enough wide) for two cars.
2) Don’t hurry. There is (time enough/enough time) to do it.
3)М John is (old enough/enough old) to go to school.
4) The poor man doesn’t (eat enough/enough eat).
5) Have I made (coffee enough/enough coffee)?
6) Have we got (enough apples/apples enough) for everybody?
7) The days have become (long enough/enough long).
8) The text is (easy enough/enough easy) for the pupils to underst
1231)The road is not (wide enough/enough wide) for two cars.
2) Don’t hurry. There is (time enough/enough time) to do it.
3)М John is (old enough/enough old) to go to school.
4) The poor man doesn’t (eat enough/enough eat).
5) Have I made (coffee enough/enough coffee)?
6) Have we got (enough apples/apples enough) for everybody?
7) The days have become (long enough/enough long).
8) The text is (easy enough/enough easy) for the pupils to underst
1. I love watching TV, especially comedy shows and documentaries.
2. The media play an important role in our lives.
3. Newspapers, radio and television inform us about what is happening in the world.
4. My friend Paul loves to watch talk shows and TV series, and my friend Jane is interested in reality TV, quizzes and wildlife shows.
5. Television in Britain is controlled by the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) and the Independent Broadcasting Company (IВА).
6. National Radio in Britain has 4 stations.
7. I do not mind watching the weather forecast, but most of all I like to watch the current news with sign language translation.
речь какого-либо лица (чужого), переданная говорящим (или пишущим) в предложении, подчинённом его собственной фразе, вводящей эту речь. При передаче косвенной речи высказывание трансформируется по определённым правилам, которые отличаются от языка к языку. Например, в русском языке косвенная речь 3-го лица передаётся так: «Он сказал, что будет дома» (сказуемое 1 стоит в времени, сказуемое 2 — в будущем времени) , а в английском: «He said that he would be at home» (сказуемое 1 стоит в неопределённом времени (Past Indefinite), сказуемое 2 — Future in the Past).