кFriday afternoon, last period. The weekend trip you planned with a friend starts in exactly 4 hours. You've been catching up on studying and chores all week so you can enjoy the time away. And now the teacher announces a test on Monday.
can be exasperating when you’re trying to communicate with someone, but you know that what you are saying is “going in one ear and out the other.”
You might be offering advice, or giving instructions on how to complete a task, but the other person has made up his or her mind already, or he thinks his way is the best way and won’t entertain any other points of view. When that happens, you can either throw your hands up in the air and walk away, or be patient and make the effort to ensure he does eventually take your message on board.
There are occasions when you can almost forgive your listener’s deliberate obtuseness or “selective” hearing. I can’t imagine there’s a
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I work, he works
I love, he loves
I wash, he washes
I fly he, he flies
I enjoy, he enjoys