1. The automobile is made up of three basic parts.
2.The engine is the source of power that makes the wheels rotate and the car move
3. The includes engine is fuel, cooling, lubricating and electric systems.
4. The chassis includes a power train, a running gear,steering and braking systems.
5.The power transmission, in turn, contains the clutch, gearbox, propeller or cardan shaft, final drive, differential, rear axle and axle shafts.
6.The running gear consists of a frame with axles, wheels and springs.
7. The body has a hood, fenders and accessories: the heater, stereo tape recorder, windshield wipers, conditioner, and speedometer.
1. My friend loves reading and listening the music.
2. I don't like playing chess.
3. We like corresponding with each other very much.
4. They hate washing the dishes.
5. Jane enjoys travelling round our country.
6. They like chatting with each other in the evenings.
7. Her brother doesn't like doing shopping.
8. Our friends love going to the theatre.
9. She hates staying at home at the weekends!
10. What does he really enjoy doing?
11. What do you dislike making?
12. I continue working in the school library.
13. Finally it stops raining.
14. We begin studying French.
15. Do you like listening to good music?