The weather hasn't been very bad this week.
They haven't seen that exhibition yet.
She hasn't improved her English a great deal.
They haven't traveled by air several times.
She hasn't lived in this city all her life.
He hasn't met him before.
He hasn't ever traveled by air.
He hasn't seen that film.
Has the weather been very bad this week?
Have they seen that exhibition yet?
Has she improved her English a great deal?
Have they traveled by air several times?
Has she lived in this city all her life?
Has he met him before?
Has he ever traveled by air?
Has he seen that film?
1.The weather has not been very bad this week.
They have not seen that exhibition already.
She has not improved her English a great deal.
They have not traveled by air several times.
She has not lived in this city all her life.
He has not met him before.
He has not never traveled by air.
He has not seen that film.
Has the weather been very bad this week?
Have they already seen that exhibition?
Has she improved her English a great deal?
Have they traveled by air several times?
Has she lived in this city all her life?
Has he met him before?
Has he never traveled by air?
Has he seen that film?
This herbivore is also generally grazed on the area where lives, vypasy a grass, water vegetation, eating fruits, tubers, leaves and bark of plants. Generally, capybaras eat everything that grows at them under legs. Even their names are translated from classic Indian language as "mister of herbs".
Ведут капибары стадный образ жизни в основном по 20 особей. Иногда в поисках пищи и воды они собираются в группы до 100 особей. Каждую семейную группу возглавляет самец вожак. Все остальные жители стада это самки с детьми. Самки вместе нянчат всех детей группы по очереди, кормя малышей. В отличие от всех остальных грызунов, капибары уже после рождения могут стоять на ногах и через несколько дней есть траву. В возрасте нескольких недель маленькие капибары уже умеют плавать.
Это животное травоядное и в основном пасется на местности, где проживает, выпасая траву, водную растительность, поедая плоды, клубни, листья и кору растений. В общем, едят капибары все, что растет у них под ногами. Даже их названия переводится с древнего индейского языка как «господин трав».