Moscow Russia 16.02.2016(адрес и дату нужно будет написать справа) Dear John, Thank you very much for your letter. It was great to hear from you after such a long time. I didn't write you because I was busy with my exams. I like reading. I red a lot of books. I know that you are from America. I want to read american author's book.In my opinion american writers are one of the best. Their books are wonderful, great and they all are interesting for me. Can you suggest a book that I could read? So, I have to go now because I have a lot of homework. Write back. Best wishes, Свое имя Если возьмешь этот вариант письма, то скажи, какую оценку получишь)Удачи)
Do you like shopping? It is well known that many people do like, especially women. In any case we often just have to do it, when we need some foodstuffs, for example. There is a great variety of shops in the world: dairy, baker's, grocer's, fishmonger's, greengrocer's, butcher's, sweet shop, florist's, stationer's, footwear, children's wear, jewellery and so on. Different people do shopping in different ways. Do you prefer shopping in small corner shops which are usually located in your neighbourhood or in big supermarkets? Undoubtedly, there are certain advantages and disadvantages in both variants. Your choice usually depends on what you need to buy. If you lack something like bread or milk, it is worth going to the nearest corner shop, for that will take you about 10 minutes. However, if your fridge is empty and there is not a slice of bread in your breadbasket, you'd better go to a supermarket. There you'll find all sorts of foodstuffs — meat and poultry, cheese and sausage, frozen food, drinks, sweets, fruit and vegetables, grocery, bakery and dairy products. In such shops people usually take a shopping basket or a trolley and walk among the rows where all items are displayed on the shelves or kept in refrigerators. If it is not a self-service shop, and most small shops are not, the shop-assistant helps the customer to find what he or she needs. In supermarkets you can buy not only foodstuffs but also stationary, clothes, household goods, some electrical goods, perfumery, newspapers and magazines. They sell various goods under one roof and, undoubtedly, this is very convenient. You can walk from one department to another looking about, finding out the price and if there is any discount and in the end you come to cashier's desk where you pay for all your purchases in cash or by a credit card
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