Переведите текст на язык без других онлайн-переводчиков. даже не добавляйте перевод, если перевели через онлайн-переводчик (я его сразу узнаю, т.к сам проверял). буду сразу подавать жалобу и вы так и так не получите за использование переводчика, который переводит не пойми как и что у людей, кто мастерски переводит с на ! заранее ! from a leaflet explaining women's rights at work: women cannot be dismissed on the grounds of pregnancy or childbirth. they are entitled to up to 26 weeks maternity leave, and to receive maternity pay during this period. if a woman has completed 26 weeks of continuous service with her employer by the beginning of the 14th week before the expected birth of her child, she can take another 26 weeks: this is usually unpaid, but some companies will make contributions. she must give her employer at least 28 days' notice of the date on which she intends to begin her leave. women are also allowed to take reasonable time off work before the child is born for antenatal care. if a company has to suspend a woman on the grounds of maternity (because, for example, the work she is doing might endanger the unborn child), it must offer her alternative employment or continue to pay her normal salary. (note that fathers are entitled to two weeks' paid paternity leave. both parents can also take another 13 weeks' unpaid parental leave).