Past Continuous: 10 sentences:
1 She was busy when we came home, she was cooking.
2 Walter was reading a book in the garden when it started raining.
3 Kate wasn't sleeping when I phoned her. She was doing her homework.
4 My little brother was playing with his toys while I was listening to music.
5 They were singing songs at that moment.
6 Mrs. Brown was explaining new rules while Bobby was chatting with Mark.
7 At 5 p.m. yesterday they were relaxing in the yard.
8 I wasn't cooking at 9 p.m. I was watching a film.
9 We were washing the dishes while Nancy was sweeping the floor.
10 Wendy was sleeping in her room while her sister was watching cartoons.
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When in Rome, do as the Romans do. В чужой монастырь со своим уставом не ходят.
The early bird catches the worm. Кто рано встаёт – тому Бог подает.
Too many cooks spoil the broth. У семи нянек дитя без глазу.Объяснение:
In 1987 the Moscow Art Theater was divided into two theaters: the Moscow Art Theater. M. Gorky and the Moscow Art Theater named after Chekhov.
The art director of the Moscow Art Theater was Oleg Efremov. Having united young authors around themselves, the theater began to create a modern repertoire: M. Bulgakov's Days of Turbins, A. N. Ostrovsky's Hot Heart, N. Gogol's Dead Souls, Anna Karenina by L. N. Tolstoy, "Three Sisters" by Chekhov and others. In 1996, by the decree of the Russian president, the theater was added to the list of objects of Russia's cultural heritage.In 2000, after the death of Efremov, the artistic director of the Chekhov Moscow Art Theater became actor Oleg Tabakov. He decided to assemble a new troupe and update the repertoire with the productions of classical works: The White Guard, Hamlet, The Cherry Orchard, The Golovlyovs, King Lear "," Tartuffe "," Ivanov ". The actors were beautiful actors: Konstantin Khabensky, Dmitry Dyuzhev, Anatoly Bely, Darya Moroz. Cyril Serebryannikov, Temur Chkheidze, Yury Butusov were able to stage the performances. In addition to the classical drama, Yemen authors.In 2006-2007, at the initiative of Oleg Tabakov, the main stage and hall were reconstructed. The Moscow Art Theater has become one of the most modern theaters in the world.
March 12, 2018 director and art director of the theater Oleg Tabakov died. April 23, 2018, the artistic director of the theater appointed Sergei Vasilievich Zhenovach.
Today on the Main Stage there are wonderful classical performances "Noble Nest", "Master and Margarita", "Marriage", "Cherry Orchard", "Zoykina apartment" and many others. The Small Scene shows "Siege", "House", reading evenings. On the new stage there are performances "Karenin", "Moon Monster", "Overcoat", etc.