Moscow - is the largest center and the capital of Russia. The city has a centuries-old history. The fiunder of the city is Prince Yuri Dolgoruky. The name Moscow comes from the same river, which flows through the city. Moscow is rich in parks and museums, theatres and art galleries. This is the center of Russia's culture and economic life. There are the most famous Russian institutes and universities, boards of many banks, large Russian firms and offices. The capital of Russia enjoys increasing popularity among tourists. Надеюсь с:
1 I don’t know the answer to your question.2 Dad is reading a magazine, so don’t talk to him. 3 I go for a swim every time I’m stressed.4 How often do you go to the cinema? 5 We are enjoying our holiday because Italy is a beautiful country. 2. Present Simple vs Present Сontinuous 1. We are learning English now. We usually learn in the afternoon.2. Mother always cooks in the morning. Today she is making roast beef. 3. are you sleepig now? - No, I don't sleep so early in the evening. 4. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. 5. I am wearing a coat because the sun is not shining now.6. The baby is crying because he is hungry now. 7. It is very cold now.
Образование Present Simple глагол без частицы to, либо же добавить к нему окончание –s/es для 3 лица единственного числа, т.е. он, она, оно – he, she, it;
Утвердительные предложения:I play We play You play
He / she / it plays
They play
Вопросительные предложения:
Do I play? Do we play? Do you play? Does he / she / it play? Do they play?
Отрицательные предложения: I do not play We do not play You do not play He / she / it does not play They do not play
Ключевые слова, указывающие, что тут надо использовать PRESENT SIMPLE
I play football every Monday.- я играю в футбол каждый понедельник.
She swims very well. - Она плавает очень хорошо. //Привычные, повторяющиеся регулярно действия в настоящем
They do not watch TV in the evening.- они не смотрят телевизор вечером. He does not like reading. - ему не нравится читать //Привычные, повторяющиеся регулярно действия в настоящем, указывающие на present simple Do you swim well? - ты плаваешь хорошо? // Хобби, привычки, обычаи и традиции Does he play football every day? - он играет в футбол каждый день?
Moscow is rich in parks and museums, theatres and art galleries. This is the center of Russia's culture and economic life. There are the most famous Russian institutes and universities, boards of many banks, large Russian firms and offices. The capital of Russia enjoys increasing popularity among tourists.
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