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02.03.2023 04:34 •  Английский язык

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Looking at her was a pleasure! Red-haired, a small, and such a hard-working squirrel, that even slightly enviably. Here, I think, the squirrel, though she's not a dog, but it is also possible to say that man's best friend: she runs in her wheel hard legs, and thereby shows us a positive example of how to work without a smoke break.
I had to go on business, but I was standing by the window and watching, fascinated by her labor feat. The wheel spun, buzzed busily. And his buzz began in my head whirling... As would some stunting even.
She suddenly, without interrupting his production, on the run, lifted her black eyes and said, like a fairy tale, human voice:
- What are you staring at? Nothing else to do, huh?
— Oops! Do you know how to speak?!
 Yeah enough, nanoscales. I honestly work, not like some people. And I have the right to say what I want.
 You, squirrel, do not misunderstand me, I do not mind publicity. On the contrary, I'm in. And since we're talking in an open atmosphere, let me ask you a question.
— Well?
- Here you honestly run, turn a wheel. And what is the benefit of your activities?
Belkini eyes widened in amazement. The wheel slowed the rotation, squeaked... and at all has stalled. Squirrel got out of it, jumped down on the floor, sat down opposite me, staring, like I'm obscene what I said.
- Highly strange question you ask, — shook hands with shrug our shoulders protein.
- I always admire, children and teenagers are brought for the purpose of education: let see how rodents are re-educated in drummers, in the book of reviews my work was highly appreciated. You're unhappy.
- I'm not saying anything bad. And tomorrow I'll bring in my binary for edification. But in terms of the effectiveness of your work, what do I tell him?
— The efficiency is high, say so.
- Yes, but what does it mean? What is the end result?
Protein contemptuously lifted her nose.
- Are you off the moon? Everyone is clear who does not work, he does not receive a salary. If the question be considered in the physiological aspect, then again, everything is clear: idleness fatten horses, tractors rusting, people drink too much, and on my work nagruzok be healthy!
— In fact, proteins, the laws of nature in the woods should be fun...
— F- ^ s, in hell gave up! I have a completely different profile, courses I came not in the woods, and around the wheel. And the improvement was...
- You all about itself Yes about itself! And what your wheel gives to society, national economy?
 But it is the General rule: the horse any luck, the dog is barking, and we, the whites, the wheel part.
— And never have you wondered, for what it, wheel? You Plastal, from the skins of climbs, and it may do no good.
She got angry. Apparently, she was convinced, that if its wheel every day not cut to disco, then and the globe will stop. Narrowed his eyes and said with a sort of venomous intonation:
— And you, the people you-all with the benefit of doing? A long monotonous speech writing, fake obligations, too, there are different mass movements in one place... Paper write and let the wheel Department, and as long as it is top-down Yes, back up from the bottom rolls, the tier securities will wound, and the final result is zero. Or a living thing until assured Yes agree, it is all use the chatter out! Nature was dusty, the sky was buried, the rivers dried up, and the benefits are trembling!
 Let me, let me! - offended by now perishing I. - How do you know all this?
 Not in the woods. I'm in the same factory for three years consisted of all heard enough. Me and in the reports reflected:"...our team is working with an unprecedented rise!"Happened, my wheel will repaint in other color, and in the report: "...reconstruction is made!"You still talking that wheels use no! Who nzobadila the stagnant swamps of the award itself will extract. So go on, comrade, do not interfere with work.
The squirrel turned his tail, jumped into the wheel, and it was again busily spin, giving us an example... I went to really not to interrupt her conversations about the benefits of Affairs recognized as essential. But how dare she criticize people?! If every small animal will begin to understand that people have useful and what is not, what a lovely workers will have to lay off for lack of use.
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N the old house, a long, long time ago lived ... Rolled grandfather and grandmother, read the rep that at night woke up all the neighbors, and in the afternoon, quiet. Sits in Grandma's Grandma and read the news: "Close the telegram." They were upset that there was nothing to be done. They said good-bye to the phones and the grandmother began to cook the kolobok. That's how the fairy tale "Kolobok" began

В стариньком доме, давным-давным давно жили... Прокаченные дед да бабка, читали реп те по ночам будили всех соседей, а днём, тихони. Сидит в ВК бабуля и прочитала новость: "Закрывают телеграмм". Расстроились они, что ж делать нечего. Простились с телефонами да пошла бабка колобка стряпать. Вот так и началась сказка "Колобок".
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Hi! today i'm going to watch film with my family. i'm so exated! firstly, we are going to buy some pop corn. after that we'll find interesting film, i'll offer the film "terminator". i love that film and i want to watch it again and again! and have you seen this film? do you like this film? i remember that you can draw and i want to ask you for somethink. can you draw a picture of terminator? oh, i must go, because we musr buy the pop corn. with the best wishes, good luck, bye, your ( имя)
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Many years ago there was no land,as well as people.in space flew a lot of lifeless rocks and dust.suddenly, a bright flash blinded all around and created a new,previously never existed life.time was distorted.instantly it crossed billions of years forward into the prosperity of human civilization.now all people talk without words, and only through the power of thought.the world ocean used for agriculture,and nature saved from all the environmental problems,because the scientists were able to create a complete non-waste production.genetics and robotics have enabled man to be immortal and sverhamin.antarctica developed and fully populated.built elevators to the moon,which comes brand new fuel in the lunar soil.space travel became common.people nously and learned to communicate with extraterrestrial life forms could learn from some completely new technology.deserts turn into forests,people getting very much,and they settle more and more intense,constantly exploring new territory.so the future he saw one scientist,who first managed to build a time machine.until its invention there was not enough time,and while it is not,we must learn to appreciate every passing day. can replace some difficult words easier,it is important not the words and punctuation,i have a limp.
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