The Call of the Wild" (1903) and "White Fang" (1906) are world famous animal stories. Set in Alaska during the Klondike Gold Rush of the late 1890s, The "Call of the Wild" is about Buck, the magnificent cross-bred offspring of a St Bernard and a Scottish Collie. Stolen from his pampered life on a Californian estate and shipped to the Klondike to work as a sledge dog, he triumphs over his circumstances and becomes the leader of a wolf pack. The story records the "decivilisation" of Buck as he answers "the call of the wild", an inherent memory of primeval origins to which he instinctively responds. In contrast, White Fang relates the tale of a wolf born and bred in the wild which is civilised by the master he comes to trust and love. The brutal world of the Klondike miners and their dogs is brilliantly evoked and Jack London's rendering of the sentient life of Buck and White Fang as they confront their destiny is enthralling and convincing. The deeper resonance of these
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Russia, like other countries, is rich in various cafes, restaurants and other things. In Russia, you can eat in cheburechnyh, in pyel’myennnyh or other eateries. Also, (Russia after all the birthplace of pancakes!) You can eat in one of the many blinnyh where you are deliciously fed with pancakes with various fillings. You can find many places where you can eat in Russia, depending on your mood and budget.
◘ Перевод:
Россия, как и другие страны, богата различными кафе, ресторанчиками и прочим. В России ты можешь подкрепиться в чебуречных, в пельменных или иных закусочных. Также, (Россия ведь родина блинов!) ты можешь покушать в одной из многочисленных блинных, где вас вкусно накормят блинами с различными начинками. Вы можете найти много мест, где можно поесть в России, в зависимости от настроения и бюджета.