1. The landscape of the country is mostly flat. 2. It dosn't have any mountain ranges. 3. The highest mountain is Dzerzhinskaya gora. It's 345 m. above sea level. Только это о БЕЛОРУСИ я не знаю откуда ты.
Глагол to be может быть глаголом-связкой в именном сказуемом (в значении "есть").Формы глагола to beI am-я есть (существую) He / She / It is-он, она, оно есть (существует) We are-мы есть (существуем) You are-ты, вы есть (существуете) Тhey are-они есть (существуют) глагол to be может быть глаголом-связкой в именном сказуемом (в значении "есть").-I am a doctor.Я врач. (Я есть врач.) Чтобы задать вопрос нужно поставить глагол to be перед подлежащим:Am I happy? Для образования отрицательной формы достаточно поставить отрицательную частицу not после глагола to be:I am not happy.
1.while she was playing the piano, I was writing a letter.2.he was going to the university, when i met her.3.Our friends were discussing something when we interrupted them.4.My mother was watching TV, when I came into the room.5.I haven't seen him since he moved to his newflat.6.When I was looking out of the window, I saw that it was raining hard and people were hurrying along the street.7.We were leaving the house, when the telephone rang.8.I was sitting on the river bank , when my friends joined me.9.When I came up to him, he was speaking to his friends.10.We met her when she was walking home.11.When she entered the room ,I was standing at the window.12.When we entered the room he was smoking and speaking to his friends.13.I was watching TV when somebody knocked at the door.14.What were you doing ,when I rang you up yesterday?15.Her son was cooking dinner, when she came home. 16.She was watering the flowers, while her husband was watching TV
2. It dosn't have any mountain ranges.
3. The highest mountain is Dzerzhinskaya gora. It's 345 m. above sea level.
Только это о БЕЛОРУСИ я не знаю откуда ты.