2. I am using it.
3. I need it.
4. What does he want?
5. Why he looks at us?
6. Believes.
7. I don't remember her name now.
8. I am thinking of selling my car.
9. I think you should sell your car. You don't use it very often.
10. Air consists...
Если в предложении стоит often, always, never, every day, sometimes, мы пишем Do или Does, если это вопрос или отрицание, но если это утверждение, то мы пишем глагол с окончанием s или es, если единственное число. Если число множественное,или I мы пишем просто глагол. Например I often go to the shop. Пример единственного числа и глагола с окончанием s или es : She likes to play basketball. и т. д. Надеюсь
I want to tell you about people
who gave me life. it
people to whom I am grateful, and before
the end of my life i will love
and respect them. These are my parents.
I love both of them, but I will tell
about them separately. My mum
a very amazing woman.
When I come home from school
I am undressing and already want to sit down
rest as my mom yells at me
from the kitchen: "Daughter, go to the store."
I naturally do this, because
I always help my mom. I AM
washing dishes, cleaning at home,
I cook, really not like my mother, but
I will definitely learn how to do it.
My mom is always happy when
I get good grades.
loves me, oh love her. She is very
beautiful, and I want to become the same as
she. And my dad is very brave
and an honest man. He can always
help with wise advice, always
can protect me. He is handsome
beautiful, just like mom. He
very hardworking. I want to find it
he has this very quality. My
dad doesn't always spend with me
a lot of time, but I know that he is very
loves me, and will do everything to
everything worked out for me in life.
3.What is the strangest custom that IS CELEBRATED in your country?
4.Matryoshka dolls ARE MADE in Russia
6.What ARE presents GIVEN to babies in your country
7.The queen of the parade WILL BE DRESSED in a white costume IS covered with flowers.
8.Some FOOD mustn't BE EATEN on special days in my country.