ответ:It is simply impossible to imagine your life without reading, so every child and adult must have a favorite book that he is ready to read many, many times, and he never gets bored!
my favorite is the magical work of J.R.R. Tolkien "The Lord of the Rings." And, despite the fact that I have already watched the film version of this work many times, reading this book is a pleasure! I am sure that it’s not for me alone.
This book describes the lifestyle and funny traditions of many mythical peoples: elves, gnomes and hobbits. For example, a cheerful people, with large shaggy legs and small stature, lives in small, but such cozy houses, not knowing poverty and grief, because everyone has their own farm, and they are called hobbits. The elusive, dexterous and sophisticated elves live in forests, building their beautiful houses on trees, or in the mountains, where finding them is not so simple. Hardworking and rich gnomes found a home in the mountains, extracting precious stones there and mastering outlandish things: capable of defeating a dragon with swords or protecting chain mail from a sharp spear.
Перевод:Представить свою жизнь без чтения просто невозможно, поэтому у каждого ребенка и взрослого обязательно есть любимая книга, которую он готов перечитывать много—много раз, и она никогда ему не надоедает!
моей самой любимой, является волшебное произведение Дж. Р.Р. Толкиена «Властелин колец». И, несмотря на то, что я уже много раз смотрела киноверсию этого произведения, читать данную книгу — одно удовольствие! Я уверена, что и не мне одной
.В этой книге описан образ жизни и забавные традиции многих мифических народов: эльфов, гномов и хоббитов. Например, веселый народец, с крупными мохнатыми ногами и маленьким ростом, живет в небольших, но таких уютных домиках, не зная бедности и горя, потому что у каждого имеется свое хозяйство, а называют их хоббитами. Неуловимые, ловкие и утонченные эльфы живут в лесах, строя свои прекрасные дома на деревьях, или в горах, где найти их не так-то и просто. Трудолюбивые и богатые гномы нашли обиталище в горах, добывая там драгоценные камни и мастеря диковинные вещи сразить дракона мечи или защитить от острого копья кольчуги.
ответ:Many of us have some wishes for the countries we live in that we desire to fulfill to bring some positive changes about. Of course, we have limited powers as humble citizens, but we still have certain rights. If I were a president of the country I would pay attention to three main problems. First of all, I would strengthen and improve the educational system.
Education level has notable dropped since last decades. It seems that there is much more pressure on students but lesser outcome. Secondly, I would work to create the egalitarian society, where people of all races, religious beliefs, nations, occupations, interests have the same rights. Thirdly, I would supply everyone with decent jobs, although for this accomplishment many new factories and plants should be built, or new companies established. These three issues are the first on the list of changes. Other than that, there are many things that I would try to improve in the country if I were a president. For example, I would lower the taxes for those who live in poor conditions. I would develop the area of space exploration as it is important to know more about our galaxy. And, I would certainly oppose the wars and terrorism.
I’m against any type of violence in the world. Thus, I would try to make my country a more peaceful place to live. I’m also concerned about children, who live in orphanages. If it was up to me, I would supply them with all the necessary things: clothing, toys, books, good food and attention. I’m sure that these changes are not easy to bring around and it needs time and patience, but I would work hard to make these things done.
2)Alice washed plates and dishes yecterday.
4)Greg watched television.
5)Mark played computer games.