Assinale a alternativa que corresponde à tradução mais adequada da seguinte sentença: The man gave a five-pound note to the shoe-repairer. a) O homem deu uma nota de cinco libras para reparar o sapato. b) O homem deu cinco potes de notas para reparar o sapato. c) O homem deu um maço de cinco notas para consertar o sapato. d) O homem deu uma nota de cinco libras para o sapateiro. e) O sapateiro recebeu uma nota de cinco libras do bom homem. 002 [MACKENZIE 1999] Indicate the alternative that best completes the following sentence: They finally decided to buy a . a) four-doors car b) four doors car c) four-door car d) four-door-car e) four-car 003 [MACKENZIE 1999] Indicate the alternative that best completes the following sentence: The building has nine stories. It is . a) a nine-stories-building b) a nine-story building c) a nine's-story building d) a nine-stories e) a building's nine stories's 004 [MACKENZIE 1999] Indicate the alternative that be
Dear Ben, I’m very happy! Ihave spent my holiday in London. It's one of my favourite cities. We went there with my classmates and our teacher. We saw a lot of interesting places in London. First of all we saw Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament, the Thames and the Tower of London. Just imagine it! Then we went to see Westminster Abbey, Trafalgar Square with Nelson's Column and the British Museum. My dream came true, because we took a ride on the London Eye and watched the Changing of the Guard near Buckingham Palace. Unfortunately, we didn't visit St. Paul's Cathedral and Hide ParkI've learnt a lot of useful information and took a lot of interesting photos. I'll send you some of them. Keep in touch. Best wishes, Vlad
Will you go play football?
I went to the zoo today
Did you go to the zoo today?
I'm going to watch TV
Are you going to watch TV now?