My mum is like a bee - Моя мама как пчёлка,
Because she's as busy as she can be - потому что она трудолюбивая.
My dad is like an ox - мой папа как бык,
Because he's strong and he can box - потому что он сильный и умеет боксировать.
My sis is like a mouse - моя сестрёнка как мышка,
Because she's quiet in the house - потому что она сидит тихонько дома.
My granny is like a snail - моя бабушка как улитка,
Because she's slow and can't send an email
- потому что она медлительная и даже не умеет отправлять электронные письма
But I am like a mule - ну, а я как осёл,
Because I'm stubborn but really cool! - потому что я упрямый, но реально классный!
1. How are you spending New Year's Eve?
You are spending New Year's Eve.
You are not spending New Year's Eve.
2. We are very busy at the moment.
We are not very busy at the moment.
Are we very busy at the moment?
3. Dad is doing the last minute shopping.
Dad is not doing the last minute shopping.
Is dad doing the last minute shopping?
4.Mum is making a special dish.
Mum is not making a special dish.
Is mum making a special dish?
5. Aunt Betsie is making tea for everyone.
Aunt Betsie is not making tea for everyone.
Is aunt Betsie making tea for everyone?
6. Grandma is doing the gardening.
Grandma is not doing the gardening.
Is grandma doing the gardening?
7. Clara and Steve are doing the washing-up.
Clara and Steve are not doing the washing-up.
Are Clara and Steve doing the washing-up?
8. Steve's also washing the grapes for tonight.
Steve isn't also washing the grapes for tonight.
Is Steve also washing the grapes for tonight?
9. They are making the decorations.
They are not making the decorations.
Are they making the decorations?
10. They are excited.
They are not excited.
Are they excited?
11. Everyone is getting ready to celebrate New Year's Eve.
Everyone isn't getting ready to celebrate New Year's Eve.
Is everyone getting ready to celebrate New Year's Eve?
12. They are buying presents and food.
They are not buying presents and food.
Are they buying presents and food?
13. Council workers are decorating the streets and making preparations for tonight's celebrations in the Plaza del Sol.
Council workers are not decorating the streets and making preparations for tonight's celebrations in the Plaza del Sol.
Are council workers decorating the streets and making preparations for tonight's celebrations in the Plaza del Sol?
the olimpic games returned to our lives in 1896. organized them the french nobleman pierre de coubertin. they were successful. the olimpic games are held every four years. the main idea of the games is to make friends all the people. it is the great honor to become an olympic city.
in 1980 moscow joined the family of olympic cities. the xxii olympic games in sochi were a great successful too. millions of people are watching them all over the world.
the times has changed, but one thing isn't never changed the winners of the olympiad become national heroes in their countries.