(0) Jay stayed at a hotel.
Clare, did you stay at a hotel?
Yes, I did.
1. Jay went on the excursion to Red Square.
Clare, did you go to Red Square?
Yes, I did.
2. Jay watched a football match at the Luzhniki Stadium.
Clare, did you watch a football match at the Luzhniki Stadium?
No, I didn’t.
3. Jay visited the famous sights of the center of Moscow.
Clare, did you visit the famous sights of the center of Moscow?
Yes, I did.
4. Jay sent an e-mail to his friends.
Clare, did you send an e-mail to your friends?
No, I didn’t.
5. Jay enjoyed the trip.
Clare, did you enjoy the trip?
Yes, I did.
There's a lot of things in my neighborhood. There's a bakery above school. Through the bakery you can go to a travel Agency. After him there is sporting goods. Along them is pet stores. For pet store hospital, and about it pharmacy. There's a beauty salon on the side. And down is a Barber. There is a restaurant opposite. Before him movie theater, and for him Museum. Under him mail. Near the Church. There is a Park on the other side. There's a zoo across the Park. There are rides in the middle.And around the sports field. Further, among the apartment houses there are shops.