Is he talking about me? (обо мне)
Does she know he? (его)
Don’t touch this! (это)
He gave she a beautiful flower. (ей)
She gave me good advice. (мне)
Tom is staring at we. (на нас)
Alice saw me in the street. (меня)
Alex bought this skirt for you. (для тебя)
I know he very well. (его)
I love you. (тебя)
She sent a letter to they. (им)
He wants to go with you. (с вами)
Read this newspaper.She is very interesting. (она)
Jim looked at we in silence. (на нас)
Show she the journal. (ей)
Show the newspaper to he. (ему)
Take as as you find us. (нас
Bring this! (это)
Tell he to call me up right now. (ему)
Tell me everything about they (о них)
This bag is for you. (для вас)
This passage was translated by she. (ею)
This article was written by them. (им)
Where is the pencil-box? He is on the table. (он)
Who broke the dish? – Not me! (я)
dima has not got homework- у димы нет дз
i have not got a car- у меня нет машины
Maria has got a big apartment- у марии есть большая квартира