- Hello! How are you? - All perfectly. Began to learn English. - On cool. Do you go to the courses or to the tutor? - On courses. You went to the courses too, didn't you? - Yes, I went. When did you start practicing? - Month ago. Who taught you courses? - Russian teachers. Do you deal with the carrier? - No, I thought it was too early for me to deal with the carrier.
Do you have a pet? Yes of course do you have a brother or sister? Yes there is do you live in an apartment or in a country house? I live in an apartment do you do any sports? Yes Can you drive a car? No, I do not know how yet
Дорогая Лена, как ты? Я на данный момент в Великом Устюге с моей семьей. Здесь живет дед мороз. Я пишу эту открытку в замечательный дом Деда Мороза. Мой отец сделал фотографии его учеников. Моя мама наряжать новогоднюю елку. Моя сестра Тара поет Новогодние песни с другими маленькими детьми. Мы отлично проводим время в этом сказочном городе. Рождество и Новый Год приближаются. Завтра мы собираемся покататься на санках. Увидимся позже Джим P.s Я сделала отличные фотографии поездки. Я надеюсь мы поместим их в школьный альбом
Dasha is my close friend. We met her 3 years ago, when I moved to a new school.She's a pretty girl of 16 years. Daria is tall, has a medium build, Long blond hair and light skin color. She has blue eyes and a fascinating look. She is always dressed in style!By nature, Daria is kind and cheerful. She always helps in a difficult moment and cheers up. Sometimes it can be lazy. For example, she will not go for walks because she has not done anything about the house. But this feature is rare.My friend is very kind with her, we often go to the store for food for stray animals.Although we see each other rarely, Dasha is an expensive person for me. Her optimism and kindness make her a special friend.