Health is the greatest value, as folk wisdom says. This is because only when a person has everything in order with his health, he has the strength and inspiration for business, communication, creativity. When something hurts in the body, it is difficult to concentrate on studies or work, you don't even want to have fun. And modern life requires us to be active, so we must take care of our health.
You need to protect your health from childhood, and diseases are easier to prevent than to cure, doctors say. There are students in our class who already have poor eyesight and a crooked back. This often happens from sitting at the computer for a long time, reading in the wrong posture in poor lighting. It will be difficult, then to fix it, because in our age of information, a person more and more has to sit in front of the monitor, and vision will fall and fall. Maybe now we do not attach much importance to this, because we simply have no idea what blindness is.
Hey! How are you? Soon one of our favorite holidays is Easter. I'm so glad! We are already starting to buy ingredients. I love the Easter atmosphere! I want to congratulate you on the onset of this gorgeous holiday. ..I hope you do it well. Bye!
Привет! Как у тебя дела? Скоро один из наших любимых праздников- пасха. Я так рада! Мы уже начинаем закупаться ингредиентами. Обожаю пасхальную атмосферу! Хочу поздравить тебя с наступлением этого шикарного праздника. Надеюсь ты проведёшь его хорошо. Пока!
Надеюсь )
ответ: i don't not