In the spring , the vice versa path to Moscow, We sluchayno proezzhaly past nebolshoho towns. Online áûë Rather bolshuyu a mortgage on wood, something to the garden is home to Nam utopaly in Color , and so on pokazalsya us krasyvыm , that not sMorly We will stand against soblazna ostanovytsya there. I nykohda áû have thought , that the small provyntsyalnomu Walk Gorodok Can deliver takoe naslazhdenye . We walked through a neighborhood garden Trejo hours and something Bolsheviks We smotrely to CEI skazochnыy Corner , themes Bolsheviks We voshyschalys im. Before we áûë genuine ancient town, polnыy a charm , How vstretysh not in our area . But we had ostavalos of time , and we pryshlos Hurry Moscow.
From my book you can learn the history of piracy. When and where the first pirates appeared. I would very much like all the boys to read it. After all, it describes both friendship and betrayal ... "... and sometimes we hoped that the Lord God, if only we are alive, and we will behave well, will allow us to become pirates. There are many interesting books in the world. But my favorite book is called "Pirates and their Treasures." Written by her English writer John Matthews. This book is large. It has many different secrets. In her pockets she keeps ancient maps of buried treasures. From it I learned about pirates, their clothes, weapons. Opening my favorite book, I get into the world of adventure. The blue ocean, black sails and ships with guns - all this beckons me with every page. For her reading time flies imperceptibly.