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14.06.2021 14:54 •  Английский язык

Active and passive. . надо сделать проверку с указанием и объяснением ошибок. заранее change the sentences from active to passive, or passive to active. example: they announced a delay. a delay was announced . 1. they have made 200 workers redundant. 200 workers have been made redundant. 2. has anyone fed the cat? has the cat been fed by anyone? 3. she could not be persuaded to give up smoking. nobydy could not be persuaded to give up smoking by her. 4. my purse has been stolen. someone has been stolen purse by my. 5. they couldn't move it. it could not move by they. 6 is someone giving you a lift? are you given a lift by sameone? 7. the house will have to be sold. we will be have to sold house. 8. i was told the train would be 10 minutes late. the guard was told me what train waild be 10 minutes late. 9. someone wants you on the phone. 10. no computer is needed for this open university course. you does not needed have computer for this open university course. 11. the police are watching him closely. he is whatchedclosely by police. 12. i was told to wait outside. the secretary was told me wait outside. если будет легче просто оригинал . active and passive. change the sentences from active to passive, or passive to active. example: they announced a delay. a delay was announced . 1. they have made 200 workers redundant. 200 2. has anyone fed the cat? has the cat 3. she could not be persuaded to give up smoking. 4. my purse has been stolen. 5. they couldn't move it. 6. is someone giving you a lift? are 7. the house will have to be sold. 8. i was told the train would be 10 minutes late. the 9. someone wants you on the phone. 10. no computer is needed for this open university course. 11. the police are watching him closely. 12. i was told to wait outside. the


1. They have made 200 workers redundant.

200 workers have been made redundant.  - ok

2. Has anyone fed the cat?  

Has the cat been fed by anyone?  - ok

3. She could not be persuaded to give up smoking.  - Passive

Nobody could persuade her to give up smoking.  - подлежащее she из первого предложения становится дополнением в активном залоге

4. My purse has been stolen.  - Мой кошелёк украли (кто украл - неизвестно или неважно, глагол steal в Present Perfect Passive)

Someone has stolen my purse.  - Кто-то украл мой кошелёк. (здесь кошелек уже дополнение, глагол steal используем в Present Perfect Active)

5. They couldn't move it.  

It could not be moved by them.  - в пассиве сказуемое всегда включает в себя глагол be в той или иной форме и "третью форму" глагола (причастие времени) - в данном случае это moved. А после предлога by нужно использовать объектное местоимение, а не личное (то есть, не by they, а by them)

6 Is someone giving you a lift?  - обратите внимание на время глагола, это Present Continuous. При изменении залога время глагола менять нельзя.

Are you being given a lift by someone?  - именно так выглядит Present Continuous Passive.

7. The house will have to be sold.  - (Дом придётся продать) - это Future Simple Passive c модальным глаголом have to. Здесь использован инфинитив в пассиве  - to be sold. Чтобы трансформировать предложение, пассивный инфинитив заменяем на активный + не забываем про подлежащее и дополнение:

We will have to sell the house.  (Мы должны будем продать дом)

8. I was told the train would be 10 minutes late.  - (Мне сказали, что поезд опоздает на 10 минут.)  - сказуемое was told - Past Simple Passive

The guard told me what train would be 10 minutes late.  - (Кондуктор сказал мне, что поезд...) - здесь сказуемое told - это Past Simple Active глагола tell

9. Someone wants you on the phone. - определяем время: Present Simple (wants)

You are wanted on the phone. - для Present Simple в пассиве используется форма глагола to be (am/is/are) + 3-я форма глагола.

10. No computer is needed for this Open University course.  - сказуемое выражено формой Present Simple Passive глагола need.

You do not need a computer for this Open University course.  - используем тот же глагол need в активном залоге в Present Simple в отрицательной форме.

11. The police are watching him closely.  - это вновь Present Continuous, поэтому в пассиве не обойтись без окончания -ing)))

He is being watched closely by the police.  

12. I was told to wait outside.  (Мне сказали подождать снаружи) - was told - это форма Past Simple Passive глагола tell.

The secretary told me to wait outside.  (Секретарь сказал(а) мне подождать снаружи) - при преобразовании из пассива в актив was отбрасываем за ненадобностью

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- Tom, would you like to join one of the youth movements?

- For example?

- What do you think about "The Green Movement"?

- Well, maybe. I like nature. What about you?

- Me too. I'm sure that it cannot protect itself  from such a greedy species as human beings. It needs help.

- Absolutelly agree with you.

- What about another movement? It is called "Young people for Peace"

- Nice name and great goals it has, I guess. Every sensible person on the Earth wants to live in peace. Me too.

- That's right. I've heard about one more movement - The Stay Healthy Monement.

-Oh, souds great. I'd like to to take part in it. I'm for healthy life. I'm really against smoking, drinking, drugs and so on.

- I think I'll join this movenemt. Are you with me?

- I'll think.

- ok. They have a meeting tomorrow at 6 pm. I'm going. We could come together.

- I'll call you tomorrow after a considerate thought about it. Talk to you tomorrow. I need to go now.

- Bye, till tomorrow.




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Изучение Африки европейцами — изучение Африки европейскими путешественниками. Знакомство европейцев с Африкой началось ещё в античности. Античные путешественники изучали Северную Африку; при этом собственно Африкой или Ливией считали континент за пределами Египта, который считался частью Азии. Исследования Африки южнее Сахары активно продолжились в эпоху географических открытий (начиная с XV в.). Основную роль играли португальские мореплаватели: так, Бартоломео Диас в 1488 году достиг Мыса Доброй Надежды, открыв морской путь в Индию и на Дальний восток. При этом знакомство с внутренней частью континента в XVI, XVII и первой половине XVIII вв. оставалось незначительным: основную роль в нём играли работорговцы. В начале XIX в. сведения европейцев об Африке южнее Сахары оставались незначительными. Исследования Южной Африки активно продолжались в 1830-1840 годах, и активно развивались во второй половине XIX вв. во время колониального дележа континента. Большую роль в этом процессе играли поиски истоков Нила.

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