1. Chris Bromham jumped - c) over 18 big red buses on his motorbike.
2. Chad Hundeby swam - e) across the sea from England to France in 7 hours and 17 minutes.
3. Iris Alvarez jumped - d) into the sea from an 18-metre rock.
4. Michael Johnson ran - f) around a 400-metre track in 43.18 seconds.
5. Takao Arayama climbed - b) up Mount Everest when he was 70 years old.
6. Joseph Kittinger fell - a) through the air for 31,000 metres in the world's highest skydive.
I always cycle down slowly so I don't fall my bike.
Команды представляются друг другу, объясняют название команды и девиз.
1. “Crazy Monsters”, “Nameless ”
2. “Two Heads Better”, “Better Late Than Never”
Каждому капитану по очереди задают по 5 вопросов. Это своего рода блиц-конкурс. При этом учитывается не только правильность ответов, но и скорость, с которой даются ответы.
Вопросы первому капитану:
1. What is the nickname of British flag? (Union Jack)
2. What is the national Scottish costume called? (kilt)
3. What is the nickname of a guest who comes on New Year’s morning first? (First Foot)
4. What’s the colour of London taxies? (black)
5. Who can you see on the top of the column on Trafalgar Square in London? (Admiral Nelson)
Вопросы второму капитану:
1. Who lived in Sherwood Forest? (Robin Hood)
2. What do many children usually say when they knock on their neighbours’ door on Halloween? (“Trick or Treat?”)
3. What’s the colour of double-deckers in London? (red)
4. What is the nickname of the American flag? (Stars and Stripes)
5. What person in London has the address 10, Downing St
School Школа
I spend a lot of time at school. This place is like my second home. I think that school years are one of the most important parts of our lives. It’s the time when we get major knowledge on different subjects, certain skills and experience for living in the society. This year I’m going to finish my native school number 11 and it makes me a bit sad. However, while I’m still here, I’d like to tell you a little bit about this school.