ответ:most suitable modal verb: must, have to, should, ought to:
1. I … clean my room. I always do it on Saturday.
2. I … to clean my room tomorrow.
3. My granny is in hospital. I … visit her.
4. You … to see “Titanic” – it’s a great film.
5. This is a terrible party. We really … go home.
6. You … watch TV for so long.
7. This is a lovely party, but it’s getting late and we … to go home.
8. Alice wants to improve her English. She … work harder.
9. Drivers … to obey the speed limit.
10. I often … cook supper because my parents work late hours.
2. Complete the sentences using the most suitable modal verb: can, could, may, might :
1. Robert … speak English well enough to talk without an interpreter.
2. Mother, … I come back home at 11 tonight?
3. Father … repair my broken bicycle.
4. I … come round this evening.
5. They say I … do sums well.
6. Bob … phone this evening.
7. Johnny, dear, … you do something for me.
8. … you go shopping this evening?
9. I … do the flat myself.
10. It … rain soon.
3. Choose the right variant
1. Can/could you explain me the grammar rule? (you are talking to your friend)
2. Bess might/may go to the theatre tonight. (you are 50% sure)
3. Mary must/ have to clean her room because Mary’s mother asked her to do it.
4. I want to look great. I have to/must stop eating junk food.
5. I have to/must stop drinking coffee. My doctor said it is bad for my heart.
Даунши́фтинг (англ. downshifting, переключение автомобиля на более низкую передачу, а также замедление или ослабление какого-либо процесса) — термин, обозначающий человеческую философию «жизни ради себя», «отказа от чужих целей»[источник не указан 260 дней]. Родственен понятиям «simple living» (с англ образ жизни») и «опрощение». Люди, причисляющие себя к дауншифтерам, склонны отказываться от стремления к пропагандируемым общепринятым благам (постоянному увеличению материального капитала, карьерному росту и т.д.), ориентируясь на «жизнь ради себя».
Наибольшее развитие дауншифтинг получил в США и Австралии.[источник не указан 191 день]
I always enjoy playing football. The travelers had little hope of climbing the mountain. The angry neighbor told the teenagers to stop running. I have never dreamed of being an actor
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