1. M. Auezov is a great Kazakh writer.
2. He was born on the 28th of September 1897 in a nomadie family in Semipalatinsk oblast.
3. M. Auezov was only 6 years old when he had met Abai.
4. M. Auezov studied at school in aul. Then he was sent in Semipalatinsk according the wish of his uncle Kasymbai where he studied at the specialized school and then graduated the teaching seminary.
5. In Semipalatinsk he began his public work.
6. From 1923-1928 he studied at the Leningrad University at the philological faculty.
7. M. O. Auezov was not only the great writer, but also a great dramatist.
8. M. Auezov translated many works of Shakespeare, Tolstoy, London, Gogol, Turgenev.
9. The great work of M. Auezov is a novel “The Path of Abai”.
l0. All progressive people in the world know the name of M. O. Auezov.
Canaries readily eat sunflower seeds, but they should be peeled and crushed. It is better to give them to songbirds mixed with grated carrots and crushed wheat bread. Flaxseed is not only nutritious, but also a medicinal food for birds. ... Its content can be up to 15% of the entire grain mixture
Канарейки охотно поедают семена подсолнечника, но их следует очищать от шелухи и дробить. Певчим птицам их лучше давать в смеси с тертой морковью и толчеными пшеничными сухарями. Льняное семя является не только питательным, но и лечебным кормом для птиц. ... Его содержание может составлять до 15 % всей зерновой смеси
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