A serial connection is a circuit in which components are connected in a serial circuit. This gives the current only one path through which it will flow.
A parallel circuit is a circuit in which components are connected in parallel to each other. Thus, the current will flow in several ways.
Often the circuit is a mixture of serial and parallel connections.
Последовательное соединение - это схема, в которой компоненты соединены в последовательную цепь. Это дает течению только один путь, по которому оно будет течь.
Параллельная схема - это схема, в которой компоненты соединены параллельно друг другу. Таким образом, ток будет течь несколькими путями.
Часто схема представляет собой смесь последовательных и параллельных соединений.
1. This land is rich in forests
2. The longest river is on the old map
10. Snow covers the ground in winter.
9. this mysterious lake hasn’t frozen all year.
8. The length of this river is 12000 km
7. This is the highest mountain on the mainland with a length of 8,000 metres
6. South of the village you can see the ancient castle
5. this is the smallest modern building in town
4. This monument was erected by locals to commemorate the soldiers of the Second World War
3. This city is close to the highest mountain in the region, a few kilometres from the largest port
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