ответ: дифференцированный-значит, разделенныйна отделы, каждый из которого выполняет определённую функцию. Например, в двеннадцатиперстной кишке происходит смешивание пищевой кашицы с пищеварительными ферментами и желчью и их переваривание. В других отделах тонкого кишечника--окончательное периваривание и всасывания питательных веществ в кровь. В толстом кишечнике--расщепление клетчатки под действием полезной микрофлоры и всасывание воды. А прямая кишка обеспечивает выведение непереваренной пищи. Последняя функция означает, что кишечник сквозной, т.е имеет специальное отверстие для выведения непереваренных остатков.
Объяснение: это на примере человека.
както так )
Every year on our planet there are fewer and fewer wild animals. And this is not difficult to understand: the increasing number of people in the world, and the more people, the less space for animals.
Some people may think that animals disappear only because of human hunting for them. However, without rational and deliberate hunting, regulating the number of birds and animals, it is unlikely that now there would be ROE deer, saiga. Many species of animals disappear from the indirect influence of man on their lives. The fact that people take their "little brothers" of the natural habitat of animals, their foraging areas. The number of animals is negatively affected by deforestation, plowing of steppes, development of deserts, drying of swamps, clogging of rivers with industrial waste, pollution of the seas and atmosphere. These actions destroy animals as quickly as with a gun, poison, traps.
Now it is important to preserve any kind of animals that nature has created for millions of years.
And why should we keep wild, especially rare and endangered animals? Perhaps, it is a question many people don't think. But if they think about it, they find the answer quickly: if there are so few animals of some kind, they probably do not have any value in nature, so that after their disappearance life on Earth will not stop. After all, history knows many such examples. However, those who think so are deeply mistaken. Rightly says about the attitude of people to wildlife known English scientist J. Darrell: "Our world is as complex and as vulnerable as the web. A single tap of a spider web, and tremble all the rest. And we do not just touch the web, we leave gaping holes in it, we conduct, we can say, a biological battle against the environment." The fact is that the fauna of our planet is not a random accumulation of different species of animals, but a single, according to the functioning system and the loss of any, the most insignificant at first glance link leads to serious changes. That's why it's important to preserve every kind of animal. Each species is unique, interesting and necessary for nature and man.
Wild animals, especially rare and endangered species, deserve close attention and careful attitude. This is precisely the part of the organic world that is most vulnerable, and its loss is not only quite real, but can happen in a very short time. That is why the preservation of rare and endangered species of animals, as well as, of course, plants is considered in the USSR as a task of paramount importance.
To preserve the wealth of wildlife and even multiply it, a person has a lot to do.