С3H8 + Br2 = C3H7Br + HBr
C3H8 + H2O = \\'
C3H8 + H2 = \\\
C3H8 + KMNO4 = \\
CH2 = CH - CH = CH2 + 2Br2 = CH2Br - CHBr - CHBr - CH2Br
1,2,3,4 - тетрабромбутан
CH2 = CH - CH = CH2 + 2HOH = CH3 - CH - CH - CH3
| |
CH2 = CH - CH = CH2 + 2H2 = CH3 - CH2 - CH2 - CH3
CH2 = CH - CH = CH2 + KMnO4 = CH2 - CH - CH - CH2
| | | |
бутантетраол-1, 2,3, 4
Hello Sandra,
I'm really sorry I can't be there with you to help you with the stress from your exams. I am sure you'll do great and pass with flying colours :)
The best way to stop stressing, from experience, is to stop studying for a couple of hours (or the rest of the evening), try not to think about the exams, run yourself a nice hot bath and relax What you can also do is eat chocolate ice-cream; I have no idea how, but it helps a lot. Maybe you should listen to some relaxing music?
I really hope you do well in your exams, as I'm sure you will, and write to me to let me know how it went :) I'm waiting for the good knews :)
Love from [напишешь тут своё имя на английском]
ответ к заданию по русскому языку