1.Кто такие линейцы и черноморцы? Объясните, когда и почему появились эти названия 2.Сопоставьте причины и обстоятельства переселения на Кубань черноморцев и трех полков донских казаков
3.Почему у черноморских и донских казаков было разное отношение к переселению?
share with you a ghost story of my
own. Back when I was living in San
Antonio, I was out late with my
friend Jacob. We were driving back
home in a rain storm late at night on
a road where there weren’t any cars.
As we were headed down the road
we saw a person walking on the side
of it. We looked over at him and saw
a really pale man with long black hair
and dressed in all black, probably in
his twenties.
He didn’t look back at us and after
we passed him we look at one
another and thought it was weird to
see a guy walking down the side of a
road late at night, in the middle of a
rain storm, and no umbrella. We
continued on for a couple of miles
before we turned left off of Blanco
onto Bitters. As we made our way
up the hill our conversation
stopped. To our right was the same
man we had passed a couple miles
ago…still walking, long black hair and
clothes, pale skin. However, this
time when we looked over, he looked
back at us….worst chills I have ever
felt in my life.
We turned to each other and
immediately yelled “Did you see
that! That was the same guy…how
could he…did we really see that…let’s
get out of here!” Was it real or just
two guys playing a joke…who knows
but I will always remember it and the
feeling I felt when he looked over at