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Считаю, что стоит написать, что животные играют не мало важную роль в жизни человека, потому что только один домашний скот может с легкостью прокормить человека. А именно давая ему свое мясо, молоко, кожу, шерсть и т.д. Но так же, можно отметить, что животные бывают и хищными, поэтому встречаются довольно часто нападение диких животных на людей, что влечет за собой тяжелые травмы или смерть
либо: От контакта с животными и известно, что отдельные виды диких млекопитающих создают человеку немало проблем и даже приносят вред. либо: В жизни человека: 1. Являются источником питания 2. Являются источником сырья для промышленности 3. Являются вредителями сельского и лесного хозяйства 4. Являются паразитами человека 5. Уничтожают вредителей сельского и лесного хозяйства 6. Имеют эстетическое значение
The generational gap is a term popularized in Western countries during the 1960s referring to differences between people of younger generations and their elders, especially between children and their parents.[1]
Although some generational differences have existed throughout history, modern generational gaps have often been attributed to rapid cultural change in the postmodern period, particularly with respect to such matters as musical tastes, fashion, culture and politics. These changes are assumed to have been magnified by the unprecedented size of the young generation during the 1960s, which gave it the power and inclination to rebel against societal norms.
However, sociologists also point to institutional age segregation as an important contributing factor to the generational divide. Those in childhood phases are segregated within educational institutions or child-care centers, parents are isolated within work-based domains, while older generations may be relegated to retirement homes, nursing homes, or senior day care centers. Social researchers see this kind of institutionally-based age segregation as a barrier to strong intergenerational relationships, social embeddedness, and generativity (the passing down of a positive legacy through mentoring and other cross-generational interactions).[2]
The generational gap is a term popularized in Western countries during the 1960s referring to differences between people of younger generations and their elders, especially between children and their parents.[1]
Although some generational differences have existed throughout history, modern generational gaps have often been attributed to rapid cultural change in the postmodern period, particularly with respect to such matters as musical tastes, fashion, culture and politics. These changes are assumed to have been magnified by the unprecedented size of the young generation during the 1960s, which gave it the power and inclination to rebel against societal norms.
However, sociologists also point to institutional age segregation as an important contributing factor to the generational divide. Those in childhood phases are segregated within educational institutions or child-care centers, parents are isolated within work-based domains, while older generations may be relegated to retirement homes, nursing homes, or senior day care centers. Social researchers see this kind of institutionally-based age segregation as a barrier to strong intergenerational relationships, social embeddedness, and generativity (the passing down of a positive legacy through mentoring and other cross-generational interactions).[2]