Впрямоугольный треугольник вписана окружность. найдите гипотенузу треугольника, если радиус окружности равен 8 см, а периметр треугольника равен 106 см.
2)180-125=55 1 угол треугольника 180-145=35 2 угол треугольника 55+35+х=180 сумма трех углов равна 180 90+х=180 х=90 третий угол, следовательно треугольник прямоугольный
3) В треугольнике AOB, угол AOB=140 градусов. Отсюда следует, что сумма двух других углов треугольника AOB (углы ABO и BAO) равны 40 град. Угол ABO это половина угла ABC, а угол BAO половина угла BAC, так как они образованы биссектрисой. Отсюда следует, что АВС/2 + ВАС/2 = 40 умножаем на 2 АВС+ВАС=80 отсюда следует, что третий угол треугольника будет равен: АВС+ВАС+ВСА=180 80+ВСА=180 ВСА=100 тупой угол, определили
4)Пусть внешние углы будут 3х 4х и 5х, тогда сумма внутренних углов треугольника будет равна 180-3х+180-4х+180-5х=180 540-12х=180 12х=360 х=30
Essay on Sports Hello, folks! Have you ever heard of this well-known saying: “A sound mind in a sound body"? I think the answer in most cases is “yes”. So, we’re discussing the importance of sports today. Not so long ago sports was really important part of our day to day life. But with the rising popularity of television, the Internet and video games, sports and exercises are not so important anymore. There is a reason why we should do sports on daily basis. Going in for sports means to be energetic and healthy. While people who are not keen on it are often seen struggling with illnesses in their adulthood, such as diabetes, obesity etc; Moreover, it helps us not only to improve our body but our mind as well. People who are good at sports also show a lifestyle of excellent quality. They are more active, can make better decisions and find the way out of stressful situations. Not encouraging children to take part in sports activities can make them lazy and peevish as they turn into grown-ups. Also, people who participate in sports competitions are more successful. It is a well-known fact that a man involved in sports activity from the very young age develops a very strong personality. He cultivates what is called the leadership.
a = x+8
b = y+8
c = x+y
теорема Пифагора
a² + b² = c²
(x+8)² + (y+8)² = (x+y)²
16x + 64 + 16y + 64 = 2xy
8x + 8y - xy +64 = 0
2x + 2y + 16 = 106
x + y = 90
y = 90 - x
8x + 8(90 - x) - x(90 - x) + 64 = 0
x² - 90x + 784 = 0
D = 90² - 4*784 = 4964 = 4*1241
x₁ = (90 - 2√1241)/2 = 45 - √1241 см
x₂ = (90 + 2√1241)/2 = 45 + √1241 см
в силу симметрии уравнений по x и y
x = 45 - √1241 см
y = 45 + √1241 см
c = x+y = 90 см