Caesar's successful wars in Gallia gave Rome access to the Atlantic. Julius Caesar is credited as the first Roman general to successfully build the Rhein river bridge in 55 BC and became the first Roman general to cross the Manche Strait and conduct an invasion into Britannia.
In 55 BC, Caesar defeated an attack of two German tribes into Gaule, and then he sent a bridge across the Rhine into German to gain prestige before retreating and destroying the bridge. In 8 BC, Ceasar made an excuse for Britain to assist his enemy, the Veneti tribe in Brittany, and cross the sea to invade the Britian. Because of the limitations of intelligence, after a few successes near the coast, he withdrew to Gaule to avoid winter. In 54 BC Caesar prepared more carefully and with a greater force attacked Britain. 2nd; then he made his way deep into the mainland, forming several alliances before having to retreat to Gaule due to the turmoil stemming from the crop failure that year. Since this retreat, Caesar has not returned to Britain again.
Side by side in this war include cousins Lucius Julius Caesar and Marcus Antonius, Titus Labienus, and Quintus Tullius Cicero. According to Plutarchus and records from Brendan Woods scholars, the result of this war was: a total of 800 cities were conquered; 300 tribes were wiped out; Caesar fought against 3 million people in Gaule, of whom 1 million were sold as slaves and 1 million died. The ancient historians may have been a bit outrageous, but Caesar's conquest of Gaule was undoubtedly the largest and most successful military invasion since the time of Alexander the Great. Caesar's victory was more sustainable than that of Alexandros: Gaule never restored its Celtic cultural identity, never had nationalist riots, and remained loyal to the Roman government for until the Roman Empire collapsed in 476. At the same time, this resounding victory increased Caesar's supremacy.
Ну, всех богов это очень много, но вот основные: Зевс — верховный Бог, покровитель Неба, Грома и Молнии. Зевса часто представляют карающим и жестоким, однако он «обустроил» жизнь людей, подарил им судьбу, закон, совесть и добро, а в противовес им — зло и бесстыдство. Гера - жена Зевса, главная из Богинь Олимпа. Она покровительствует семейным узам, хранит семейные отношения женщинам во время родоразрешения. Посейдон - Бог водной стихии, брат Зевса, покровитель рыбаков и коневодов. Бог водной стихии, сын Кроноса и Реи, брат Зевса, покровитель рыбаков и коневодов. Аид - Бог подземного царства, он старший брат Зевса и Посейдона. Аида почитали, как покровителя урожая, ведь все, что растет, появляется из недр земли. Аида называли «гостеприимным» за то, что он «ждал» и «привечал» в своем подземном царстве каждого смертного. Аполлон - самый красивый бог Олимпа. Аполлон был сыном Зевса и титаниды Лето. Его невероятно почитали в Греции, ведь он был покровителем искусства, муз и врачевания. Он прекрасный стрелок и виртуозный музыкант, вот почему его изображали с луком и лирой. На Олимпе была и богиня войны — Афина. Она олицетворяла веру в победу, мудрость и силу военной стратегии. Афина покровительствовала искусству, ремеслам, науке и знаниям. Гермес слыл известным плутом и воришкой. Он весьма изобретателен: придумал письменность, покровительствует торговым и банковским делам, астрологии, алхимии и магии. Он передает «важные» сообщения людям от богов через сны. Гефест — бог огня и кузнечного ремесла. Самая известная легенда о нем и о Прометее, которого лучшему на свете кузнецу пришлось приковать к скале по приказу Зевса. Если это мало, то можешь в интернете поискать там много чего есть
Caesar's successful wars in Gallia gave Rome access to the Atlantic. Julius Caesar is credited as the first Roman general to successfully build the Rhein river bridge in 55 BC and became the first Roman general to cross the Manche Strait and conduct an invasion into Britannia.
In 55 BC, Caesar defeated an attack of two German tribes into Gaule, and then he sent a bridge across the Rhine into German to gain prestige before retreating and destroying the bridge. In 8 BC, Ceasar made an excuse for Britain to assist his enemy, the Veneti tribe in Brittany, and cross the sea to invade the Britian. Because of the limitations of intelligence, after a few successes near the coast, he withdrew to Gaule to avoid winter. In 54 BC Caesar prepared more carefully and with a greater force attacked Britain. 2nd; then he made his way deep into the mainland, forming several alliances before having to retreat to Gaule due to the turmoil stemming from the crop failure that year. Since this retreat, Caesar has not returned to Britain again.
Side by side in this war include cousins Lucius Julius Caesar and Marcus Antonius, Titus Labienus, and Quintus Tullius Cicero. According to Plutarchus and records from Brendan Woods scholars, the result of this war was: a total of 800 cities were conquered; 300 tribes were wiped out; Caesar fought against 3 million people in Gaule, of whom 1 million were sold as slaves and 1 million died. The ancient historians may have been a bit outrageous, but Caesar's conquest of Gaule was undoubtedly the largest and most successful military invasion since the time of Alexander the Great. Caesar's victory was more sustainable than that of Alexandros: Gaule never restored its Celtic cultural identity, never had nationalist riots, and remained loyal to the Roman government for until the Roman Empire collapsed in 476. At the same time, this resounding victory increased Caesar's supremacy.