The Internet started in the 1960s. The United States Department of Defense started it because they wanted a computer network to help the American military. In the 1970s scientists worked on it.
Then in the 1980s telephone companies made in possible to communicate on the computer network in many more countries. An international computer language was born, and the Net went worldwide.
What can it do?
You can use the Internet for many things. You can buy a car or a house; you can book a holiday; you can watch a video; you can read an Australian newspaper or a Japanese magazine; you can buy books and CDs from North and South America; you can play chess with a partner in Moscow; or you can just chat to people from all over the world. The list is endless
1. Состоящие из атомов одного хим элемента 2. 3. Металлы при связи отдаёт свои атомы, а неметаллы наоборот принимают 4. Кремний является неметаллом т.к. в таблице Менделеева находится по правой стороне от условной линии деления металлов и неметаллов 5.пластмасса, батарейки 6.состоящие из атомов 2-ух и более хим элементов 7. Классификация органических веществ рассматривается с позиции строения углеродной цепи, а также наличия тех или иных функциональных групп в составе молекул.(скопировала с другого похожего вопроса это) 8.сорри я не знаю, я живу совсем в другом месте лоль
The history of the Internet
It’s history
The Internet started in the 1960s. The United States Department of Defense started it because they wanted a computer network to help the American military. In the 1970s scientists worked on it.
Then in the 1980s telephone companies made in possible to communicate on the computer network in many more countries. An international computer language was born, and the Net went worldwide.
What can it do?
You can use the Internet for many things. You can buy a car or a house; you can book a holiday; you can watch a video; you can read an Australian newspaper or a Japanese magazine; you can buy books and CDs from North and South America; you can play chess with a partner in Moscow; or you can just chat to people from all over the world. The list is endless