Match the questions to the answers.Ask questions with is/isn’t, do/don’t, does/doesn’t, did/didn’t, were/weren’t, had or could.
Hercules is my favorite character. –
he? What about other characters?
I read a lot about him. -
you? Have you seen any films about him?
The King was jealous about him -
he? What were the reasons?Look at the examples below. You can see how question tags are formed. Then make questions in the same way choosing the best option below.
Hercules lived in Greece
The king wanted him to leave the country
He was from Greece, Знакомьтесь с клавиатурой Gboard! Здесь будет сохраняться текст, который вы копируете.Нажмите на фрагмент, чтобы вставить его в текстовое поле.Чтобы закрепить фрагмент, нажмите на него и удерживайте. Незакрепленные объекты будут удалены через час.Чтобы закреплять, добавлять или удалять фрагменты, используйте значок редактирования.Знакомьтесь с клавиатурой Gboard! Здесь будет сохраняться текст, который вы копируете.Нажмите на фрагмент, чтобы вставить его в текстовое поле.Mark question verbs with yellow. You can use these verbs and form questions. Theses verbs can help you to express interest or surprise. Only one verb in each sentence is marked.Look at the examples below. You can see how question tags are formed. Then make questions in the same way choosing the best option below.
Hercules lived in Greece
The king wanted him to leave the country
He was from Greece, Ask questions with is/isn’t, do/don’t, does/doesn’t, did/didn’t, were/weren’t, had or could.
Hercules is my favorite character. –
he? What about other characters?
I read a lot about him. -
you? Have you seen any films about him?
The King was jealous about him -
he? What were the reasons?Ask questions with is/isn’t, do/don’t, does/doesn’t, did/didn’t, were/weren’t, had or could.
Hercules is my favorite character. –
he? What about other characters?
I read a lot about him. -
you? Have you seen any films about him?
The King was jealous about him -
he? What were the reasons?Look at the examples below. You can see how question tags are formed. Then make questions in the same way choosing the best option below.
Hercules lived in Greece
The king wanted him to leave the country
He was from Greece, Ask questions with is/isn’t, do/don’t, does/doesn’t, did/didn’t, were/weren’t, had or could.
Hercules is my favorite character. –
he? What about other characters?
I read a lot about him. -
you? Have you seen any films about him?
The King was jealous about him -
he? What were the reasons?Look at the examples below. You can see how question tags are formed. Then make questions in the same way choosing the best option below.
Hercules lived in Greece
The king wanted him to leave the country
He was from Greece, Ask questions with is/isn’t, do/don’t, does/doesn’t, did/didn’t, were/weren’t, had or could.
Hercules is my favorite character. –
he? What about other characters?
I read a lot about him. -
you? Have you seen any films about him?
The King was jealous about him -
he? What were the reasons?Look at the examples below. You can see how question tags are formed. Then make questions in the same way choosing the best option below.
Hercules lived in Greece
The king wanted him to leave the country
He was from Greece, Ask questions with is/isn’t, do/don’t, does/doesn’t, did/didn’t, were/weren’t, had or could.
Hercules is my favorite character. –
he? What about other characters?
I read a lot about him. -
you? Have you seen any films about him?
The King was jealous about him -
he? What were the reasons?Look at the examples below. You can see how question tags are formed. Then make questions in the same way choosing the best option below.
Hercules lived in Greece
The king wanted him to leave the country
He was from Greece, Ask questions with is/isn’t, do/don’t, does/doesn’t, did/didn’t, were/weren’t, had or could.
Hercules is my favorite character. –
he? What about other characters?
I read a lot about him. -
you? Have you seen any films about him?
The King was jealous about him -
he? What were the reasons?Look at the examples below. You can see how question tags are formed. Then make questions in the same way choosing the best option below.
Hercules lived in Greece
The king wanted him to leave the country
He was from questions in the same way choosing the best
АСЯ — героиня повести И. С. Тургенева «Ася» (1858). А. — один из самых поэтичных женских образов Тургенева. Героиня повести — открытая, самолюбивая, пылкая девушка, с первого взгляда поражающая своей необычной внешностью, непосредственностью и благородством. Трагизм жизни А. в ее происхождении: она дочь крепостной крестьянки и помещика; этим во многом обусловлено ее поведение: она застенчива, не умеет вести себя в обществе и т. п. После смерти отца девушка оказывается предоставленной самой себе, она рано начинает задумываться над противоречиями жизни, над всем, что ее окружает. А. близка к другим женским образам в произведениях Тургенева, больше всего в ней сходства с Лизой Калитиной («Дворянское гнездо») . С ними ее роднит нравственная чистота, искренность к сильным страстям, мечта о подвиге.
Каждый живущий ныне человек обязан своим существованием тем, кто 70 лет назад сумел отстоять Родную землю, тем, кто не жалел жизни ради изгнания Врага со своей Родины. Я считаю, что помнить о своих предках мы должны, и обязаны рассказать младшему поколению об их великих подвигах.
К моему глубокому сожалению и стыду я не могу много рассказать о своих прадедушках и прабабушках, а также о более дальних родственниках. Сведения, которые, возможно, были свежи еще лет семь назад в воспоминаниях моих дедушек и бабушек, сейчас, увы, отрывочны, а возможности интернета тут бессильны.
Задумайтесь! Это наше без него нет будущего. Помнить предков — это справедливо, это правильно, это делает нас людьми. Если каждый сумеет донести до следующего поколения это знание, не исказив его, то будущее нашей страны может стать еще более великим, чем ее столь героическое
Put the words in the correct order.
Hercules. Forming Question tags.
Match the questions to the answers.Ask questions with is/isn’t, do/don’t, does/doesn’t, did/didn’t, were/weren’t, had or could.
Hercules is my favorite character. –
he? What about other characters?
I read a lot about him. -
you? Have you seen any films about him?
The King was jealous about him -
he? What were the reasons?Look at the examples below. You can see how question tags are formed. Then make questions in the same way choosing the best option below.
Hercules lived in Greece
The king wanted him to leave the country
He was from Greece, Знакомьтесь с клавиатурой Gboard! Здесь будет сохраняться текст, который вы копируете.Нажмите на фрагмент, чтобы вставить его в текстовое поле.Чтобы закрепить фрагмент, нажмите на него и удерживайте. Незакрепленные объекты будут удалены через час.Чтобы закреплять, добавлять или удалять фрагменты, используйте значок редактирования.Знакомьтесь с клавиатурой Gboard! Здесь будет сохраняться текст, который вы копируете.Нажмите на фрагмент, чтобы вставить его в текстовое поле.Mark question verbs with yellow. You can use these verbs and form questions. Theses verbs can help you to express interest or surprise. Only one verb in each sentence is marked.Look at the examples below. You can see how question tags are formed. Then make questions in the same way choosing the best option below.
Hercules lived in Greece
The king wanted him to leave the country
He was from Greece, Ask questions with is/isn’t, do/don’t, does/doesn’t, did/didn’t, were/weren’t, had or could.
Hercules is my favorite character. –
he? What about other characters?
I read a lot about him. -
you? Have you seen any films about him?
The King was jealous about him -
he? What were the reasons?Ask questions with is/isn’t, do/don’t, does/doesn’t, did/didn’t, were/weren’t, had or could.
Hercules is my favorite character. –
he? What about other characters?
I read a lot about him. -
you? Have you seen any films about him?
The King was jealous about him -
he? What were the reasons?Look at the examples below. You can see how question tags are formed. Then make questions in the same way choosing the best option below.
Hercules lived in Greece
The king wanted him to leave the country
He was from Greece, Ask questions with is/isn’t, do/don’t, does/doesn’t, did/didn’t, were/weren’t, had or could.
Hercules is my favorite character. –
he? What about other characters?
I read a lot about him. -
you? Have you seen any films about him?
The King was jealous about him -
he? What were the reasons?Look at the examples below. You can see how question tags are formed. Then make questions in the same way choosing the best option below.
Hercules lived in Greece
The king wanted him to leave the country
He was from Greece, Ask questions with is/isn’t, do/don’t, does/doesn’t, did/didn’t, were/weren’t, had or could.
Hercules is my favorite character. –
he? What about other characters?
I read a lot about him. -
you? Have you seen any films about him?
The King was jealous about him -
he? What were the reasons?Look at the examples below. You can see how question tags are formed. Then make questions in the same way choosing the best option below.
Hercules lived in Greece
The king wanted him to leave the country
He was from Greece, Ask questions with is/isn’t, do/don’t, does/doesn’t, did/didn’t, were/weren’t, had or could.
Hercules is my favorite character. –
he? What about other characters?
I read a lot about him. -
you? Have you seen any films about him?
The King was jealous about him -
he? What were the reasons?Look at the examples below. You can see how question tags are formed. Then make questions in the same way choosing the best option below.
Hercules lived in Greece
The king wanted him to leave the country
He was from Greece, Ask questions with is/isn’t, do/don’t, does/doesn’t, did/didn’t, were/weren’t, had or could.
Hercules is my favorite character. –
he? What about other characters?
I read a lot about him. -
you? Have you seen any films about him?
The King was jealous about him -
he? What were the reasons?Look at the examples below. You can see how question tags are formed. Then make questions in the same way choosing the best option below.
Hercules lived in Greece
The king wanted him to leave the country
He was from questions in the same way choosing the best