Пошаговое объяснение:
Fill in the gaps with «just» and the correct form of the verbs:Fill in the gaps with «just» and the correct form of the verbs:Fill in the gaps with «just» and the correct form of the verbs:Fill in the gaps with «just» and the correct form of the verbs:Fill in the gaps with «just» and the correct form of the verbs:Fill in the gaps with «just» and the correct form of the verbs:Fill in the gaps with «just» and the correct form of the verbs:Fill in the gaps with «just» and the correct form of the verbs:Fill in the gaps with «just» and the correct form of the verbs:Fill in the gaps with «just» and the correct form of the verbs:Fill in the gaps with «just» and the correct form of the verbs:Fill in the gaps with «just» and the correct form of the verbs:Fill in the gaps with «just» and the correct form of the verbs:Fill in the gaps with «just» and the correct form of the verbs:Fill in the gaps with «just» and the correct form of the verbs:Fill in the gaps with «just» and the correct form of the verbs:Fill in the gaps with «just» and the correct form of the verbs:Fill in the gaps with «just» and the correct form of the verbs:Fill in the gaps with «just» and the correct form of the verbs:Fill in the gaps with «just» and the correct form of the verbs:Fill in the gaps with «just» and the correct form of the verbs:Fill in the gaps with «just» and the correct form of the verbs:Fill in the gaps with «just» and the correct form of the verbs:Fill in the gaps with «just» and the correct form of the verbs:Fill in the gaps with «just» and the correct form of the verbs:Fill in the gaps with «just» and the correct form of the verbs:Fill in the gaps with «just» and the correct form of the verbs:Fill in the gaps with «just» and the correct form of the verbs:Fill in the gaps with «just» and the correct form of the verbs:Fill in the gaps with «just» and the correct form of the verbs:Fill in the gaps with «just» and the correct form of the verbs:Fill in the gaps with «just» and the correct form of the verbs:Fill in the gaps with «just» and the correct form of the verbs:Fill in the gaps with «just» and the correct form of the verbs:Fill in the gaps with «just» and the correct form of the verbs:Fill in the gaps with «just» and the correct form of the verbs:Fill in the gaps with «just» and the correct form of the verbs:Fill in the gaps with «just» and the correct form of the verbs:Fill in the gaps with «just» and the correct form of the verbs:Fill in the gaps with «just» and the correct form of the verbs:Fill in the gaps with «just» and the correct form of the verbs:Fill in the gaps with «just» and the correct form of the verbs:Fill in the gaps with «just» and the correct form of the verbs:Fill in the gaps with «just» and the correct form of the verbs:Fill in the gaps with «just» and the correct form of the verbs:Fill in the gaps with «just» and the correct form of the verbs:Fill in the gaps with «just» and the correct form of the verbs:Fill in the gaps with «just» and the correct form of the verbs:Fill in the gaps with «just» and the correct form of the verbs:Fill in the gaps with «just» and the correct form of the verbs:Fill in the gaps with «just» and the correct form of the verbs:Fill in the gaps with «just» and the correct form of the verbs:
Пошаговое объяснение:
Преимущества электрической энергии перед другими видами энергии:
легко и быстро передаваться на любые расстояния;
возможность деления на любые части;
простота преобразования в другие виды энергии (световую, тепловую, механическую и др.).
Без электричества невозможен научно-технический прогресс.
Электрическая энергия – это один из наиболее востребованных видов товаров. Как и любой товар, электрическая энергия обладает совокупностью свойств, характеризующих ее удовлетворять определенные требования потребителей: своевременность поставки электроэнергии, необходимый объем, надежность электроснабжения и качество поставляемой электроэнергии.