1. She found £10 beneath the sofa. 2. James filled to the police to report the incident. 3. He dived into the swimming pool twice. 4. He told me the truth. 5. I watched the last episode of my favourite TV series yesterday. 6. She sended him a present by post. 7. Mary crying a lot when she heard the bad news. 8. Brian went the train to London. 9. She felt happy when she got her jewels back. 10. Peter dropped my mother's antique vase. It broke into thousands of pieces. 11. Laura сalled her mother as soon as she arrived in Paris. 12. He stoped talking when I walked into the room. 13. She tryed to stop the thief, but he got away. 14. She took the glass with orange juice. 15. Miss Marple solved many mysteries in St Mary Mead.
По правилам, вечерю должны носить дети. Её положено передавать близким кровным родственникам и кумовьям, причём последним – в обязательном порядке. Согласно принятым традициям, вечерю принято нести шестого января – накануне празднования православного Рождества. Крестники приносят угощение своим крёстным, проводят у них в гостях несколько часов, после чего отправляются домой, чтобы отпраздновать Рождество за собственным семейным столом. Не возбраняется, безусловно, навестить родных с гостинцами и позднее, в сам рождественский день. И всё же временем, когда носят вечерю, положено считать Сочельник, иначе это уже будет просто поздравление близких с праздником.
1. She found £10 beneath the sofa.
2. James filled to the police to report the incident.
3. He dived into the swimming pool twice.
4. He told me the truth.
5. I watched the last episode of my favourite TV series yesterday.
6. She sended him a present by post.
7. Mary crying a lot when she heard the bad news.
8. Brian went the train to London.
9. She felt happy when she got her jewels back.
10. Peter dropped my mother's antique vase. It broke into thousands of pieces.
11. Laura сalled her mother as soon as she arrived in Paris.
12. He stoped talking when I walked into the room.
13. She tryed to stop the thief, but he got away.
14. She took the glass with orange juice.
15. Miss Marple solved many mysteries in St Mary Mead.