1. Lena didn't want to get up,did she? Yes, Lena didn't want to get up. 2. Lena had a lot to do, didn't she ? Yes she did. Lena had a lot to do. 3. It was windy and cold outside, wasn't it? Yes it was. It was windy and cold outside. 4. Lena couldn't think about the party and the cake, could she? Yes she couldn't think about the party and the cake. 5. Lena and her mother decided to have lemon tea and sandwiches for breakfast, didn't they ? Yes they did. They decided to have lemon tea and sandwiches for breakfast. 6 Lena was happy to stay in bed, wasn't she? Yes, she was. She was happy to stay in bed.
Дано: с трёх лугов - 19,7 т с 1 и 2 - поровну с 3 - на 1,1 т больше, чем с каждого из первых двух С каждого - ? Решение: Составим уравнение. Обозначим за х (икс) собранное сено на 1 и 2 лугах. Если на третьем на 1,1 т больше, то тогда на третьем собрали х+1,1 Теперь само уравнение: х+х+х+1,1=19,7 3х+1,1=19,7 3х=19,7-1,1 3х = 18,6 х=18,6 : 3 х=6,2 Значит на 1 собрали 6,2 т сена, на втором - тоже. Теперь надо узнать на третьем. Подставляем: 6,2+1,1=7,3 ответ: с первого 6,2 т, со второго 6,2 т, с третьего 7,3.
2) 124:4=31
3) 14*1006=14084
4) 31+14084=14115