1. Если я увижу его, я его подвезу. 2. Если бы у меня была машинка, я напечатал бы это сам. 3. Стол рухнет, если вы стоите на нем. 4. Если бы она послушала мои указания, она бы не свернула не на ту улицу. 5. Если он ест все, то он будет болен. 6. Если бы я знал его адрес, я бы дал его вам. 7. (я не знаю) 8. Если я найду ваш паспорт, я позвоню вам сразу.
1. Вопрос, поставленный профессором, имеет важное значение. 2. Отчет, написан начальнику, был очень актуальной. 3. Потеряв его адрес, я не могу написать ему. 4. (я не знаю) 5. Ставя цветы в вазу, он ее сломал.
1. If spoke English, I would find a better job.
2. If he is a good doctor, he will help you.
3. If I had gone to university, I would have studied Economics.
4. If you(visited me, I would give you my dictionary.
5. If I leave the fish here, the cat would get it.
6. If we gave you 10% we would not make any money on it.
7. If I went to England, I would have missed Rachel’s birthday.
8. Unless you stop smoking, you will get serious problems with health.
9. If it rains tomorrow, we will not go to the cinema.
10. If she had listened to my instructions, she would not have turned down the wrong street.
11. If I had time, I would call you.
12. I would have offered to help him, if I had known that he was ill.
13. I would send you a postcard, if I had your address.
14. What would you do, if you were rich?
15. If she explained the situation, he would understand her.