The UK is a highly developed country, in general, that’s why the educational system in the UK is well developed and highly ranked. It’s important to note that the country consists of four parts Wales, Scotland, England, and Northern Ireland. That fact causes some peculiarities of education in each part.
As in many other countries education in Great Britain involves nursery, primary, and secondary schools for school education; higher education institutions such as colleges and universities for higher education and also some establishments for further or adult education.
Hello John, it's Alex, as you know i moved to new school, my family bought a new house in Boston. The Boston school is very cool! For example, we have got Spanish and French languages to learn, than i met a new cool chemistry teacher, we always do interesting experiments. The school includes a lot of extra activities, hiking, museum excursions, picnics and lots more activities. To sum up, i want to tell that the school rules are also included: You need to wear uniform, don't be late at any lessons, be kind to teachers and everyone around you. That's all, hope you will visit Boston soon. Bye! Alex.
On the bridge you can cross the river.
I met a peasant from the countryside.
They started upstairs, trying not to make any noise.
We went downstairs to meet our grandmother.
He imagines different scenes, different people, maybe different colors.
We admire the achievements of great people.
He designs block of flats in which millions of people live in different cities of our country and abroad.
Some time later they heard the giant's step as the ground shook under his feet.
По мосту можно пересечь реку.
Я встретил крестьянина из сельской местности.
Они поднялись наверх, стараясь не шуметь.
Мы спустились вниз, чтобы встретить свою бабушку.
Он воображает разные сцены, разных людей, может быть, разные цвета.
Мы восхищаемся достижениями великих людей.
Он проектирует многоквартирные дома, в которых живут миллионы людей в разных городах нашей страны и за рубежом.
Некоторое время спустя они услышали шаг великана, поскольку земля тряслась под его ногами.
Вот, надеюсь, сойдёт.